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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... when you feel like your feet are in mud and there is an extremely foul stench coming from inside your waders!!!
  2. Despite your feelings Bucktail, anybody that legally catches and keeps whatever species they desire whithin thier daily creel and size limit is entitled to do so by LAW! Some people could care less about eating a Bass (I happen to be one of them), but will eat thier fill of other species whenever they take a notion... now you wouldn't really want to deprive us of that God given right... would you? Just my two cents.
  3. Well you said "think about it"!
  4. Thought about it... and realized that anybody that owns a tiller doesn't need to be knockin' a Humminbird.
  5. Please post a pic of your first backlash!!!
  6. LMAO !!! Eddie!... Thanks I needed that!
  7. I always like it better when somebody asks me if I know I'm doing something wrong, tthan telling me.
  8. Sounds like a job for Super Braid to me.
  9. The ice may be out... but there's still something about that pic that still looks COLD! Must be all that SNOW on the ground!!!
  10. Bullheads are delicious!!! Silver (White) Bass are a Temperate Bass and are better if the lateral line is filleted out when cleaning the fish, Sucker meat is white but boney... I've never tried one but would if given the chance. I will personally pass on the Sheepshead, tried it before and it was VERY stong tasting. I've never tried Carp but have heard some people rave about it, I think it's all in the way you prepare them.
  11. Could somebody PLEASE swing by and pick me up for this one???
  12. Great pic Graham! I'll be there again!... and I'm sooo looking forward to it!!!
  13. Welcome back Lucid! Looking forward to the reports!
  14. If you have a livewell aereator and/or bilge pump they're prolly @#$%ed up... plywood deck and carpet??? Prolly time to redeck and carpet.
  15. Dang Gary!!! I hope everything turns out ok! The best of Luck all the utmost well wishes!
  16. Twisted line on a spinning reel can be easily fixed! Take your rod and reel outside, take any lures, hooks, or weights off of the end of your line... you want just the bare end of the line. If you have somebody to help you it will be quicker, have someone take the bare end of the line and walk out in a straight line taking the line off the spool. When all line is off the spool, have the other lay the end of the line on the ground... again!... the line must be laying flat on the ground in a straight line with nothing on the end!!! Hold the reel handle in your hand as you normally would for cranking the line in, in your other hand hold the rod between the reel and the first line guide while pinching the line inbetween your thumb and forefinger to put tension on the line while you reel, then reel in all the line back onto your reelthe combination of the loose line end and the tension will make the line untwist as you reel the line in. This can also be done in a boat while under idle power. Pay out line until your spool is bare, then "drag" the line behind the boat for a couple minutes at a faster speed... AGAIIN!... the line must be flat and straight with NOTHING on the end! I hope this helps.
  17. Great report and pics!!!... and those are some very nice Bullheads! They fry up good too!
  18. Great report, pics, and a heckuva nice boat!!!
  19. If it was the only kind of fish I could catch, I guess I would... but the flesh of a Black Bass is tougher and the table quality is considerably less than that of other species, such as Crappie and Catfish. Temperate Bass (Stripers) are better eating if the lateral line is removed, and I might keep a couple of them a year... but down here in the Land of Cotton, Crappie and Catfish are King!!!
  20. Great report and pics Hoser!... ONLY 16" of ice?
  21. He did what he was told... "Hold on to this"
  22. Good Morning all, and Good Luck on the boat ride! I know y'all checked the weather... didn't ya? For some reason the lyrics... "A Three Hour Tour " keep playing in my head.
  23. You Lucky Duck!!! That's a beautiful place there Eddy! You need to catch and kill all those Bass, they eat up the Wall-ice, Muskie, and Pike fry dont'cha know...
  24. The In-Fisherman here, it's a multi species mag and I'm a multi species angler.
  25. Musky... Pike... what's the difference? They're all the same when they hit the frying pan!
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