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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. There are other sites besides the OFC???... yer kiddin'... right?
  2. So yer gonna eat the cut bait???
  3. YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW JED CLAM PIT!!!...Wrasslin' is so REAL!!! BTW... remind me to show you my Bulldog-Nelson sometime...
  4. Those are very nice Bubba!!!... now all you need is a console!
  5. The only "deal sweetener" I can see coming your way Steve, is a pint of Bowfin Roe Chow Chow or a couple lbs. of Armadillo Boudin... them Coonasses love that crap! P.S. I'll even throw in a gallon of pickled Okra...
  6. Them there is "Stump Snaggers"!!! Made for trollin' thru stump fields, to check the smoothness of the drag system on your reel.
  7. Sounds like the usual crew is in there...
  8. Deleted the cookies and the little blue bar moves across the screen faster now... but still no cee-gar...
  9. Don't have any cokies... I'm a Pepsi kinda guy!
  10. This is the stuff I used to redo my boat with: http://www.pontoonstuff.com/pontoon-boat/1...ine-plywood.asp
  11. Still no dice here... loading..loading... loading.....
  12. Very cool pics!!! We call'em "Souped-up-Wildcats down here... KNOCK'EM OUT JOHHHN!!!!!!!!
  13. I dunno Paul?... damn thing just kept loading and loading and loading.... I sure do hope Rick hasn't been "out-geeked" again.
  14. Would that be the one that you have to wear your flip-flops in the shower... or the one with the sheets stuck together???
  15. Good craftsmanship there, but i'd have chosen a different grade of plywood... but that's prolly just me.
  16. Soun's like one sweet float! You may want to consider the Motorguide wireless for your bowmount choice, I love mine!
  17. I second that motion Joe! Deprive them... then Nuke them!!!... then deprive them again!
  18. It's not really a landing net persay... but this is how I landed this Tiger Musky on Lake Seminole:
  19. ... and just when I was gonna say... "Any job worth doing, is worth doing right"... but... nevermind.
  20. Make It Stop! Make it Stop!... It's freakin' me out man!!! That's all well and good with the kick to the side... but how well can it take a .50 cal. round?
  21. I like to refer to changing my spark plugs every year as preventive maintainence... the same as changing the oil and filter (4 stroke), changing the fuel filter, changing the lower unit lube, and greasing all the lube points... but hey!... that's prolly just me!
  22. Great report and pics!!! and a very nice fish ta-boot!
  23. I've caught a couple Seagulls, a Duck, and 3 or 4 Pelicans, I've had people tell me "Watch out for the wings! They'll beat you to death, or they'll break your wrist!!!... it's a Chicken wing ok? I've also had people tell me to "Look out for the beak"!!!... but you can easily hold thier beaks closed. I usually hold the bird between my knees while sitting and remove the hook(s), and once the bird realizes you're trying to help them they stay pretty calm. Once the hooks are out I return them to the water and they swim off pretty fast for about 5 or 10 feet then turn around and look at you... then they just kind of saunter away.
  24. ...
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