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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Well when ya have as thick of a southern accent as I have... where the hell else are ya gonna be from... Yemen???
  2. Cigars are fine... but NO DIP!!!... that stuff is bad for ya!
  3. PASSPORTS???.... PASSPORTS???... We don't need no stinking PASSPORTS!!!
  4. Yup! You'll need some cigarettes with that thing!!!
  5. It doesn't really matter what kind of boat... just make sure the cigarettes are there and everything willl be ok!
  6. 2 packs of smokes at the closest storage compartment to the drivers console... (please tell me you bought a console!)
  7. Question: What does a 279 lb. Alligator Gar eat for breakfast? Answer: Muskie!
  8. So!... the Sun is warming our globe?... who'da ever thunk it!!! Ice Ages and Global Warming... everybody talks about the weather, but nobody ever does a damn thing about it!!!
  9. So there aren't any fish in that lake?
  10. Why can't it be entertainment WITH deals?
  11. Aren't JUMBO Perch actually 12" or longer? Invest in Gore-Tex footwear... you'll be glad you did!
  12. You got it Bubba! The "spines" are serrated and leave a jagged puncture wound, the "slime" is the "poison"! I still get gigged every now and then, but it's usually the little she-yits that get me... I'd much rather handle a 2-10 lber. than a 6"-12 incher, the smaller ones fins are needle and razor sharp! I stepped on a catfish barefooted when I was a kid, and man what a mess! My foot swelled up 3 times the size of normal... couldn't walk!... I'll never forget that!
  13. That'sa nice 10 lber.!
  14. The whiskers gotcha!... didn't they?
  15. ...
  16. I'm sorry, but fishing in a sea of liquid methane isn't my idea of a fun fishing trip.
  17. We like the occasional Crappie too!
  18. Dang!!! I thought Ol' Yeller might be postin' this... as I do have a B'day comin' up... but I'm alot younger than 40, and the GTA, Mississauga, and Brampton are kinda outta the way.
  19. Don't know any Fin.. but I'm fluent in Redneck!
  20. I usually get this in my email every year and it hasn't worked yet. I buy gas when I need it.
  21. Now that you mention it Roy... Waynes hands do look a little too big and the fish a little too small...
  22. I personally don't see anything wrong with it... I'm pretty sure that's an Alabama tag by the way.
  23. Holy crap!!! Wayne actually caught a fish on Temagami!!! What is this world coming to??? It sounds like y'all had a blast! These are the things memories are made of! Good on ya Wayne for hosting the event!!!
  24. Cat litter is dried clay. Why worry with and go thru all the hassel of trying to tow with an unsuitable vehicle? Towing concerns should be a priority when a vehicle is purchased, if you're a trailered boat owner. Towing with an improper vehicle puts excess strain and wear on an unsuitable vehicle, resulting in costly repair bills and an accelerated maintainence schedule... not to mention the hazardous safety aspects! ... anybody that tries to argue these points doesn't really know what they're talking about.
  25. The Hell You Say??? Well if that's the case, I like mine marinated in Italian salad dressing for at least an hour or more. Then put in a wire fish grilling basket and done on the BBQ grill... about 3 mins. per side depending on the thickness.
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