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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If it's got a pair of eyes and a butthole... It's A Keeper!!!
  2. OH NO!!! I sure hope it isn't anything serious! Please keep us updated!
  3. ...
  4. I can't post because wimmins are in the house???... how wimpy is that???
  5. I can see it now... the Great Pallet wall of Lake Henry!!!
  6. I plan to do that when I retire... but until then, I have to work a real job!
  7. ...
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  9. ...
  10. The last weeks of your life are usually the suckiest one anyway... spent in the hospital with wires and tubes coming out of ya everywhere, so aint losing much there... go ahead and spark one.... yanno ya want to, and it'll make you feel soooo much better!
  11. There's nothing "baby" or "mini" about this Gerber! This knife can handle anything from 30# Amberjack and Grouper down to 9" Crappie, it's the best fillet knife i've ever owned.The sheath to the right has a built in sharpener and 3 pulls thru that thing will give you a razor edge.
  12. I see this question asked alot on here... "will my vehicle pull this load?"... when they really need to be thnking "will my vehicle STOP this load?" Stopping a load with a small vehicle can be very dangerous in the wrong conditions... just a little rain and a little too much spped and you're an accident waiting to happen! Throw a little ice into the picture and the danger increases drastically! Panic stops are never good in any conditions. The brakes on a small car are made for stopping... a small car! Just something to think about.
  13. They're always coming out with "New" stuff.
  14. I like Gerber and Case knives.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear that, I still have some of those emotions leftover from both of my recent pet tragedy's. He's going to a better place now Maureen, a place with no more pain. I sincerely send my condolences.
  16. Thanks Lew, I was waiting for that one!
  17. If the Mercury in the fish is rising... does that mean it's getting hotter?... must be all this Global Warming we keep hearing about!
  18. Oh Really??? Well they must own Lowrance and Rapala then.. because I've seen some tremondous deals on these and other name brand products!
  19. Go ahead and light one up Camel J, you'll feel sooooo much better when ya do!... you know you want one... I'm burnin' one now, and it is Gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Its'a 'bout time you came out of hiding!!!.... I wasn't concerned a bit...
  21. You got a 50/50 chance... I'd go for the big top...
  22. I'll betcha he doesn't pull that one again for awhile...
  23. I also feed the birds, I really like to see the Gold Finches at the upsidedown feeder. They're one of the few birds that are comfortable feeding upsidedown and it keeps the other birds from emptying thier feeder. Notice the upsidedown Gold Finch on the feeder just to the right of center? I also get a good number of Bluebirds in the yard, they don't eat from the feeders... but I think they feel safety in numbers with the other birds around. I also get alot of Eastern Meadow Larks too, they don't eat from the feeders either... but feel safer with other birds around. I really like thier bright yellow breasts with the burnt umber bib.
  24. I plan to really hurt the Wall-ice population every time I go , but alas... all I've ever caught is 1
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