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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. I wanna be a cool kid too... but there's no Pike around here... what should I do??? Great report and pics!!!... and that was a Trophy Stickfish in my book!!!
  3. That ain't nothin'... lookit this Stickleback Minnow I caught while fishin' my favorite lake!
  4. It would probably help if you could find an empty or not-so-busy launch somewhere and practice launching AND trailering your boat, both can be difficult for the first timer. Backing a boat down a ramp is a little trickier than just backing on flat ground. Trailering a boat can be tricky also, especially in a windy situation. Taking an experienced boat owner with you to help would be a good thing. There are several different ways to launch a boat, this is how I do mine: 1. Have everything loaded into the boat in an orderly fashion. 2. Pull the vehicle and boat into the prelaunch area and remove the rear tie-downs and motor toter/transom saver, if you're unfamiliar with the launch... leave the motor tilted up. Do not remove the front winch hook. 3.Back the boat down the ramp until the boat just barely floats off the trailer. Leave the vehicle engine running, put it in Park and apply the emergency brake (This is VERY IMPORTANT!) 4. I then get out of the vehicle and walk the trailer tongue to the boat, and while holding the bow with one hand/release the winch and safety hook with the other hand, then stand up and gently push the boat down the trailer and hop onto the bow. 5.When the bow clears the trailer I then deploy the trolling motor and troll over to the dock, tie the boat up to the dock and go back to the vehicle to pull up the ramp and park. 6.Walk back to the boat, tilt the motor down and start it, make sure water is coming out of the "tell tail", make sure everything is in it's place in the boat, lift the trolling motor up, untie the boat and slowly pull away from the dock. Trailering the Boat 1.Pull the boat into the dock and tie it off. I like to leave my motor running. 2.Walk to the tow vehicle and back it down the ramp, I like to back the trailer all the way into the water to completely wet the bunks. 3.Pull up the ramp until 1 or 2 inches of the guide-ons are visible. 4. Put vehicle in Park and apply the emergency brake! (This is VERY IMPORTANT!) 5.Walk back to boat, untie from dock and idle to the trailer, once the boat is in position give it gas little by little to push the boat onto the trailer. 6. When the boat is in position on the trailer, turn off the motor and tilt the motor up. 7.Walk to the bow and hop down on the trailer tongue, secure the winch and safety hook, you may also need to wind the winch to finish pulling the boat onto the trailer 8. Pull trailer up the ramp to the post launch area and secure the boat to trailer with the rear tie-downs and install the transom saver/motor toter 9. Secure any loose items in the boat for the drive back home
  5. So??? That's how we spend our lunchbreaks and some of our Saturdays... just another day on the construction site. We also have a "dunking" bucket for suspected Witches...
  6. Excellent report and pics Phil!!!... and some very nice fish ta-boot!!!
  7. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!... 'Possum and cheese grits! MY FAVORITE!!!
  8. I know a good trim Carpenter with a Sledgehammer and a Chain saw if anybody needs thier garage remodeled.
  9. Excellent report and pics Tom!!!
  10. "He needed killin'" still stands up in court down here!
  11. Get a haircut ya damn Hippy!!!
  12. Good Morning!, and Good Luck to all going fishin' today! Be careful and take lotsa pics. I'll be slaving out in the yard on the fence today...
  13. HA!... my butt has more tan on it than your face!!!
  14. I have 3 Stradics and love them, I'm thinking about trying a Sustain next!
  15. ...
  16. Well... While impaling a live minnow on a razor sharp hook can make some women recoil in sadistic horror... and threading a huge gob of chicken livers on a hook can make some hurl their morning SlimFast and Weight Watchers muffin... or a good whiff of Uncle Charlies Stinkbait can cause some to go into Toxic Shock convulsions. I have found one fishing scenario most effective in picking up the Hottest of the Hotties, It is Surf Casting on the beach! Standing on the beach, holding a 12' rod while wearing nothing but a cutoff pair of blue jeans really draws them in like Green Bottle Flies to fresh dog dung! They always stop and ask if you've caught anything, and are simply flabbergasted by a cooler of Croaker and Striped Mullet... then I ask them if they'd like to join me in my room later to view my mounted trophy Whiting! If for some reason this doesn't work... I pick out the most attractive one to me that is frolicking in the surf and bounce my 4 oz. disk sinker off her noggin ( they go out like a light when ya tag them just behind the left ear) on a long cast. I then drop my tackle on a beach towel and rush out to save my unconscious date for the night, drag her back to shore and administer CPR (a great way to get to first and second base!) When she regains consciousness, I explain how I witnesses her being knocked out by a murderous jumping Hammer Head Shark (thus the round bruise behind her left ear). Fought off the beast and delivered her back to the safety of dry land. They are usually very grateful.
  17. That is a damn good pic Joe!
  18. Sounds like somebody needs a Prozac and a nap!
  19. Well thanks for noticing Mike! I hope I've aded something to this board... other than being the "Token" Redneck. I enjoy this place and have made many friends here, I look forward to meeting the OFNers I've never met and seeing the ones I have met again!!! ... if you see me without my glasses on.... I won't be able to see you!
  20. I've named one of my rods... his name is Mr. Wiggley...
  21. Love those Cubera pics!!! They'd have been supper if I had caught them! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Snapper!
  22. Great pics Philbo!!!... and those look like some very nice fish too!!!
  23. Sounds like a great time! Looking forward to the pics!
  24. Most sharks aren't even landed, the larger ones can be very dangerous to bring onboard. Small Sharks can be landed and released without any problem.
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