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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Murder by Death is one of my favorites!!! How can you go wrong with a stellar cast like that? Gosford Park wasn't funny to me, and rather boring.
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  4. Always remember: If a deal seems to good to be true.........
  5. Yeah, but the broker/joker is in Miami. I would seriously think twice about this.
  6. Out of Miami Fla., naaah. You may want to pass on that one.
  7. I think you might be S.O.L. on the whitefish for the year Cliff , but if you talk to Carole real nice... I' m sure she would hook a nice Wall-ice for you and let you reel it in!
  8. Great report and pics Cliff!!! and a big congrats on your new PB Musky!!! Sounds like y'all saw some good action on the lake today.
  9. Great report and pics!!! A weekend of Panfish is a lot better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!!!
  10. Ya think???
  11. Excellent report and pics Lew!!! One of these days I'm gonna com up and join ya for one of those girls!!!
  12. Eggs Actley!!! I was thinkin' the same thing because I was wonderin... where have I seen that clumsey but ballet-like gait before??? > > >Then it dawned on me!!! T.J. + Lakair + "Shine"!!!
  13. Ok Rich, this is what ya gotta do! The next time you head out for Hoserland, stop by and pick me up on the way. I've got a butt-load of Sabiki Rigs for the Wall-ices ( and I aint skeered to use them). I have also found what I think will be the MOAL (Mother of all Lures) of Mucksie/Pike baits!!! If you're not goin' back up 'til Lakair '08, I'll see you then!
  14. An epic report!!! Thank you!
  15. Who DOESN'T have a pic of you sleeping Roy? If you'd get up and move around a little bit, maybe even go fishin'....
  16. Those are some very nice Pike!!! I wonder why Slowpoke can't catch them like that there? Because they don't bite pink worms and watermelon spoons?
  17. AHHHHHHHHH!!! Pike Porn!
  18. That's a very nice Pike!!!... and the Smallies are ok i guess. Thanks for posting the Pike pic!!!!!!!!!
  19. A 5 lb. Smallie doesn't excite me in the least, a few "Snot Rockets"... and I've got WOOD!!!!
  20. You wished!!! Next year, if you're real good... I teach ya how to catch them West Arm Wall-ices! > > > > > since you didn't catch any last June... I'm thinkin' Art might be a Wall-ice Albatross... or it might be you.
  21. An Excellent video, but a Motley Crew of Hosers, Coonasses, and Rednecks!!! btw... I'm the Good Lookin' Redneck hold the nice Wall-ice!
  22. ...
  23. There have been several cases of this in years passed in the Orlando area and is the main reason I don't swim in freshwater! Saltwater is much more therapuetic!
  24. I concur with the CH on the Tiger rods.
  25. Well if y'all would ACT civilized (even if it is just an act) things like this wouldn't happen!!!
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