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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Ahhhh!... So close, yet so far.... Thanks for posting Jen... you'll get'em next time!!!
  2. I've been waiting for this report! Looks like a good time was had by both of y'all!... and it's hard to beat somebody on their own turf Cliff I love Pike fishin' no matter what size they are!!!.. Thanks for the Pike porn!!!
  3. Nice fish and nice pic!
  4. He's a snocket reintist Keram, he finds glee in doin stuff like that...
  5. Sounds like a good solution to me.
  6. Ande is pretty good line for the price, they use it a lot down on the coast. I prefer Trilene Big Game though.
  7. What in the heck is all that white stuff all over the place?... volcanic ash or something??? If you think they're bad up there Lew, you should see us try to drive in a couple inches!!!
  8. That's a good question Lew and I really don't care if it's F/R or not. Could you have had the CC turned off?... probably not, but I just thought I'd ask. I'd wait for it to do it once more and then take it to the dealer.
  9. ...
  10. Yup!!!... bait!
  11. ...
  12. I figure all the outfitters that advertise all funds in USDs are singing a different tune now...
  13. ...
  14. Go see your Chevy or Ford dealer, a little down and a little every month....
  15. Nice report and pics Bill! You'd have caught more fish if ya hadn't been playin' around with the birdies.
  16. ... y'all are just jealous...
  17. Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!... don't listen to the Redneck, he doesn't know what the heck he's talkin' about... been there done that. Work exercise is not the same as cardio exercise, I used to think just because I was a carpenter and worked construction that I got enough exercise... so what if I was 30 lbs. overweight??? All I ever had enough energy to do was to come home and park myself in front of the TV set (before the internet), because that's all I ever did. I didn't care what I looked like... I was married! Then one day I decided to do something about the way I looked, so I started dieting. I lost weight, but stayed the same shape... awwww crap!... I've gotta start exercising!!! ... so I did. I couldn't believe how much better I felt and how much more stamina I had!!! I slept better, I ate better, I worked the stress away. No more back problems... no more digestive problems! ... but don't listen to the Redneck.
  18. Get some good Cardio exercise every day, 20-30 minutes of that every day will give you more get up and go than you can believe. Increase your stamina.
  19. There's a little button on the remote control to the TV that will select another channel if you push it...
  20. I dunno?... some place warm... exotic! Like Alabama!!! ... I can hear Lynyrd Skynyrd now....
  21. ...
  22. Congratulations Bian for putting Don on those fish!!! Congratulations Don on your first Muskies!!!... 2 in one day!
  23. ...
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