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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. Happy Birthday and Best Fishes Cliff!
  3. Well it looks they have a life and were out catching Killer Fish while we were settin' on our arses... ... sad isn't it?
  4. SHHHHHHHH!!! i think he's fixin' to land!
  5. L M A O !!! I think he got skeered!
  6. That Is A Fantastic Fish Carole!!! When I first saw the pic, I said that Chinny looks like a Brown! yeah yeah.. you did ok to cliff....
  7. Ok, is it just me? Or does the title of this thread remind anybody else of the "Poodle Hunting" dialogue in the movie Murder by Death?
  8. Use a worm, minnow, or leech to catch the Wall-ice... the use the Wall-ice for bait to catch the Mucksie!!!
  9. There goes the neighborhood... AGAIN!!!
  10. To tell you the truth me Laddie, since you're just starting out... you'll have much better luck with live bait! Live worms, minnows, and leeches will be the easiest to obtain and use. No self respecting fish can resist an offering of REAL LIVE FOOD!!! If you're fishing bodies of water with high fishing pressure your odds of catching a fish with live bait will go thru the roof compared to artificial.
  11. That was in no way directed at Bly!... and Cliff is still so high on Chinny slime, he'll never notice!
  12. ...buttsmoocher!
  13. Thanks for remembering Roy.
  14. Great report and pics Brian!!! Congrats to you and Claude on the PBs. Those 2 big fish are Beautiful!... but Chris's fish is the cutest!... is that the one that came on the pink worm???
  15. That was a very special outing, and good on you and Don for getting Paul out on the water!!!
  16. Yup!... Live Ones!!!
  17. Great report and pic!... and Congrats on the PB! I now have 2 dozen of those Blue/White spoons on order... incase the Salmoon should happen to migrate down here!
  18. Heavy fishing pressure on panfish can be a good thing, especially Sunfish and Perch because they tend to over populate and then stunt. Have you ever fished a lake that seems to have nothing in it but a zillion itty bitty Sunfish or Perch? I have, and whenever I find a body or section of water like this. I'll catch as many as I can and cut them up and throw the remains back into the water. Come back the in a year or two and there will be some of the most beautiful Sunfish you've ever seen.
  19. I've been flogged by that dang bird several times!
  20. Naaaa, a true Redneck would've posted a pic of the proud family members holdin' firearms... but yer gettin there!
  21. I'd rather have a stiff sensitive rod over a floppy flimsy one any day!
  22. HA! I knew that would get a rise out of you Mike! Don't forget, I live in Alabanana Mike... we're only allowed 1 telephone per 5 mile radius ( that's like 3000 Canadian kilometers... no wonder y'all think your country is so big!) The only reason that Wall-ice in my avatar bit is because i took the steering column out of the rental car and mounted it in the cedar strip so the fish would think it was a console!!! BTW... I got me a little cast net today, and I'll proly snatch this $8K worth of dental work out of my head the first time I throw it... but I'm gonna try to get me some Shad so's I aint gotta search all over hell and half of Georgia to find the Shiney Minners!
  23. I wonder where it came from?
  24. Go to the fricken DOCTOR!!! It could be Mono, Strep, or Tonsilitis, all of these can be very serious if left untreated!!! The longer you fiddle fart around with "home remedies" the worse it's going to get and the longer it's going to take to be cured. You could also be contagious and make other people sick because of your lack of concern for your own health!!!
  25. I've heard thru the grapevine that Lunds are for Losers: Especially the tiller models... avoid them at all costs!!! All big name consoles are pretty close.. with Tracker being the best!!! I really like Trackers! I own a Tracker! Trackers are the BEST!!!!
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