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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It's still at the top of the page when i open this thread up.
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  3. Well isn't that just special??? I'll be in there en uno momento... ya aint all slimey from a frog licking are ya?
  4. The only thing I do to winterize my 4 stroke is to make sure all the water is drained after every trip. No yardwork means more time for fishin'!!!
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  6. Just keep the flyin' monkees out of it!!!!... Jeezis those things gave me nightmares when I was a kid!!!
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  11. I seem to have better results with a Fluro leader and a swivel... it's prolly just me though.
  12. Welcome to the board! This place wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the Hosers, Frogs, and Coonasses... Rednecks Rule!!!
  13. ...
  14. OMG!!! It's the Wicked Witch of the Wall-ice!!!... and a Munchkin!
  15. That damn thing ain't nothin' but a mouth with legs attached to it!!!! Kinda reminds me of some other Frogs I know...
  16. Great report and pics (how many times have I told you about tryin' to take a pic with the sun at your back???)!!! That wasn't a stag party you described, that was my ex-wifes family from Gasden Alabama! I always knew you were an' ol' "Toad Licker"!
  17. I prefer the C-4 brand of inline planer boards...
  18. OH!!!... if only I could've been there!!! Congrats to you and Carole on a safe and successful maiden voyage!!!
  19. Congrats on the boat Mo... I'll be lookin' forward to reading reports!
  20. I wanna be there the first time you launch with that on the back of your boat!!!
  21. Great report and pics Joey!!! That's a real nice Bass too!
  22. Yer just a glutton for punishment Bill....
  23. Great report and pics Mike!!! 1 is a 100% better than none eh!
  24. Happy Birthday Mike!!! ... now that you're getting older, you're s'posed to be catchin' more and bigger fish!!!
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