Congratulations!!! That's a very nuckin' fice boat y'all got for a starter!!!... and for the price y'all paid it was a very good deal!
If y'all haven't checked the lower unit oil in the motor yet, you may want to consider it before taking it out for the first time. It tells you how to do it in the manual, and is a simple procedure. Reading the manual to that motor and familiarizing your self with the different parts... and tinkering with it will be a plus for you when you take it out for the first time. You may even want to go ahead and change the spark plugs and fuel filter.
Owning a boat has been one of the most enjoyable past times in my life.
Start out slow, be safe, learn the lakes, and keep an eye on that depthfinder! Lake and river maps will help you immensely until you get to know the different bodies of water.
Again... congratulations!!!... have fun!!!... and be safe!!!
I'm looking forward to the pics and reports!
btw?... where are you launching for the first time?... somebody may need to be there to watch that...