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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That fish is too large to be a Pickeral Terry, Pickerals are just like Wall-ice... just a lot smaller. I too was convinced there were no fish in Temagami, maybe TMH fished somewhere else and just said it was Temagami. If you'll keep tension on those deep fish and bring them up real slow TMH, you'll be able to release them if you don't want to keep them. Nice fish and report!!!
  2. Won't shore fishin' be a thing of the past when the weather warms up? I mean since y'all have the boat and everything now... or can Carole still not catch anything from a boat??? Congrats on the new car y'all!!! I'm sure it will serve you well.
  3. Great report and pics!!! Glad to see y'all got into a few fish!
  4. 1. Novice hook removal is my big peeve!!! I've seen more C&R fish killed this way than any other. "You can't get the hook out of that Bass???... go catch Bluegills until you learn how to remove the hook quickly and safely!!!" 2. A lengthy dialogue or monologue while holding the fish out of the water is another... Shut Yer Damn Sausage Smoker and put the fish back in the water! 3. Slime removal is something else that bugs me too! "You wanna hug that fish?... take all of your clothes off first!!!"... then we'll see how much slime you want to take off that fish.
  5. Great pics and nice fish!!!
  6. Great report and pics!!! Beauty fish too!!! What were they hittin'?
  7. Some good lookin' baits there! I really like the Pink Eyed Ghost and Pink/Black tiger color patterns!
  8. You catch'em like that all the time, don'tcha Lew? I've got to admit, that fish didn't look to sporty on the release. No telling how long it took to get the hooks out... I hope he stayed in the area for a while to make sure she was ok. That thing would make one heckuva fish fry!
  9. Excellent report, pics, and fish Shelly!!! Thanks for takin' the time to post that! Good to see you and Chuck out on the ice
  10. You don't need a new boat because... you bought a walking commercial jacket???
  11. How about something like this instead? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  12. G loomis, Lowrance, Lund... can anybody else think of any other overpriced crap that people waste money on?
  13. One thing you may want to consider, I've never heard anybody say "I hate this 4 stroke! I'm going back to my old 2 stroke!"... but more like "I love my 4 stroke and will never own another 2 stroke!!!" Ask any 4 stroke owner.
  14. OMG!!! It's the dreaded Albino Catfish in a snow storm!!!
  15. You don't sound one damn bit like Jed Clampett! ... and then you deprived us of the fish porn!!! Glad to see Tarpus Erectus is alive and doin' well!
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  22. We just cast down here in 'Bama...
  23. I posted that vid here a couple weeks ago. Down here in 'Bama I think it would be considered more like jug fishin', which would make it legal for non-gamefish like Catfish, Carp, and Gar... but not for gamefish. You could have a fleet of them if you wanted. They are trying to outlaw them in some states, because they're using them in the Tailrace waters of some dams that don't allow boats with people in them to take their lines way out further than one could cast. They want to outlaw them because they're very effective and some people are taking the big spawners with them.
  24. ... see?... I told ya!
  25. That's the way it was when I was coming up. There's a barefooted man sitting outside the gate that wants your job! It's not like that today though, you have to molly-coddle them a little nowadays. First time: Verbal reprimand. Seond time: Written reprimand, and I also like to dock them 30 min more and make them sit on the sidelines and watch until that 30 min. is up. Third time: I can can ya like a Tuna... but I'll make exceptions if you're a hard worker when you're there or at least try hard and/or a skilled craftsman (good help is hard to find these days.) These people will usually be docked an hour or sent home for the day without pay. People tend to "tighten up" when you start getting into that wallet/pocketbook. If you're a slackard, it's usually easier for me to make you quit than it is to fire you. This usually happens the first or second time I make them siphon out the Port-O-Lets with an 8' piece of garden hose. If I can drag my sorry butt out of bed and be to work on time every day... so can you!!!
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