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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... I thought that was your breath...
  2. Ya gotta give it time... let it fester a little...
  3. I was being sarcastic when I posted the "Why are DUI laws so harsh?" question, I actually don't think they're harsh enough. Guns don't kill people... people kill people! I say give everyone a handgun of their choice, and we'll just shoot it out!!!
  4. Typical "Buckeye", they go out and sit on the water and automatically think they're a Fisherman!
  5. Go here: http://www.yakimabait.com/catalog/html/Ori...il-p-16146.html Click on lure color and then look for my "handle" and click on it.
  6. Keep in mind that Wall-ice can see the color orange from further away than any other color.
  7. Good report ya Ol' Phart, but where's the phish porn??? ... no pics, no believe!
  8. You may want to consider getting that Shark a Tetanus shot....
  9. That's because he always has something in his hand when the big one hits....
  10. I wonder why DUI laws are so harsh?
  11. The Omega Man?
  12. ...
  13. SHAME ON YOU for saying such a thing Bill!!!
  14. I see no reason to watch it, there'll be nothing but Cockroaches and Ants left...
  15. Happy Birthday to your adult offspring Bubba Roy!!!
  16. The narrow beam also shoots a lot deeper than the wide beam. The Humminbird 700 series comes with a dual beam transducer that can be switched from wide to narrow, or use both at the same time for the best pic.
  17. Great report Bill! Glad y'all got into some fish!!! You can post bigger pics if you'll upload to photobucket, no resizing hassels... just upload the pics, copy there and paste here!
  18. Great report!!! I've always wanted to fish that lake.
  19. I've always used Humminbirds and have never had a problem with them. I've just recently upgraded to the Humminbird 747c, it hasn't arrived yet... but i'll let you know what I think about it after I've used it.
  20. Check your local codes! Some municipalities require fish remain to be ground into no less than 1/4" chunks before returning to the water, in other areas... it's against the law NOT to return the remains!
  21. Damn glad to have ya back Jack!!! ... as for the colon probe, we can do that right here!!!... now bend over and touch your toes.................
  22. Excellent Pike Porn Bubba!!! ... but who needs a damned ol' bicycle when they got a really cool car like that???!!!
  23. ...
  24. I've been watching this board pretty closely for a few years now, and to be perfectly honost with you. I've seen but a handfull of favorable warm weather trips to Temagami, and those are by people that fish it often and have been fishing it for years. Sure there's a few fish in Waynes post, but it took him all last summer to catch them, and last year was his best year yet... and he's been fishing that lake for years! On the bright side of it all, there is some beautiful scenery up there... we've seen the pics! Now there's this thing about Nippissing I need to tell you...
  25. That sounds terrible! I wish him and his wife the speediest of recoveries! Jack is a great guy!
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