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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. There are easy ways to anchor those huts to the ice and should be a requirement for setting one up. Somebody could get hurt badly by one of those things if they had their back to it.
  2. Look here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14623
  3. Could y'all swing by and pick me up???
  4. I'll be there if the good Lord is willin' and the creek don't rise!... I wonder about the other 2/3rds of the Southern Contingincy?
  5. Coke is brown, and it's a pop.... and it's gooooooo-oooood when the dark rum mixes with it!!!
  6. No need to apologize HTHM! I've got real thick skin. You may be right and I may be the one that's wrong. The next time I'm up in the winter we'll go drill some holes and see. If water goes down the hole you can buy me a Coca-Cola... if it comes up thru the hole I'll buy you one!
  7. That's terrible Bill!!! I hate thieves as bad as anything! Wouldn't you love to catch somebody doin that and just beat the livin snot out of them?
  8. A classic for sure!
  9. We had that wind for the past 2 days down here, I'm glad it decided to leave. Even with the drift sock out Monday I think I was doin' 15 knots without any motors running. The Crappie said they didn't want any part of a minnow that could swim that fast.
  10. Great report and pics Gary!!! Looks like you're really getting the knack of those lipless crankbaits.
  11. swivel!
  12. The water on top of the ice should be simple enough to solve, just drill some holes thru the ice and let the water drain into the lake!!! duh!
  13. That's terrible news! I hope everybody involved makes a speedy recovery.
  14. After 3 yrs. it's time to upgrade again anyway!
  15. ...
  16. Shop around online, you can find those bulbs for cheaper than that. Prolly around $250
  17. ...
  18. You'll think "over me" when the breach of contract papers hit you in the butt!!! Say good-bye to all of your fishin' tackle!!!
  19. Great report and pics Joey!!! and congrats on the new PB!!! At $12 a scoop, those musta been designer minnows too.
  20. The best of luck to ya Jack!!! I know people that've had this done and they feel much better afterward! It sounds bad, but I hope it's a breeze for you!
  21. I hate to tell ya, but Lew has already had lunch by 4:18 a.m.
  22. A nice January "Spot", betcha y'all wish you could go Bassin in January eh? A gang of hoodlums at the Lakair G2G! Me and some guy that washed my windshield for 50 cents at Lakair. Two derelicts I picked up hitchhiking that volunteered to clean the Pike Tourney fish for shots of Granny's "medicine". My first ever shore lunch!!! Nipissing fish... the littlest first. A Perch with an attitude problem My PB Wall-ice to date, that I used to for... bait to catch my PB Nip Mucksie!!! (I like to gaff and release all my fish!) Other fish A nice Striped Bass I caught while fishing in Czechoslovakia, the structure to my left (your right) is the Iron curtain. I didn't think it looked like that either... but it does! Yes! They have Spotted Bass in Czechoslovakia too! This is a world record Silver Peacock Bass I caught while on fishin' safari on the Amazon River! Yes!, that is the Amazon rain forrest in the background there. They also have Blue Catfish there too! .. and Striped Bass too! Fished Lake Simcoe and got this world record Smallie in my left hand (your right) and world record Gobie in the other! Brian (Bcanuck) can vouch for me if y'all don't believe it. Simcoe is just full of these huge Gobies! Also got this Bowfin and MERMAID!!! while fishin' Simcoe! Another shot of the Bowfin, the Mermaid got away... I knew I shoulda put her on the stringer!!! I caught this on the BOQ in November. I went back to the Amazon and caught these 2 Killer Pirahna, had to pull their bottom teeth so I could do the "Lip" hold.. if anyone ever tells you it doesn't get cold in the Amazon, tell them they're full of green jello!!! I hope y'all enjoyed these pics... and weren't expecting to hear the truth from a fishermans lips!
  23. Thereare 3 reviews for that product on that web site, 2 favorable and one not so favorable. The price looks good, but I wouldn't expect a whole lot for $70.
  24. Foolishness!
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