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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Excellent pics Mike!!! ... your wife and daughter are very talented!!! Maybe you and Ryan should start fishing the St. Lawrence for Musky so y'all can get a little notoriety... instead of being BOQ "wet sock puller inners"!
  2. Excellent report and pics Joey!!! That weather looks brutal in those first pics!!! ... and after a night out eating spicy chicken wings! *insert green face emoticon here* I'm glad y'all got one good day in with some fish though!!! That 42" is a beauty!... did anyone else catch fish?... or were y'all the only ones with luck/skill for the day? It was good to see some of the old familiar faces looking nice and healthy in your "night out" pics! Thanks for taking the time to put that together! ... oh!... and congrats to Paul on the 28"! a Musky is a Musky, and it's 28" bigger than any I've ever caught!
  3. If you're going "Spot" hunting on Lanier, don't forgrt your white buzz bait... and don't be afraid to throw it at a likely looking structure 10 times! If the water temp is below 65*F, use a white spinnerbait or Threadfin shad imitation for then "Spots" and a purple worm forn the largies! ... but if you want it to feel more like home, you can always fish below the dam for stocked rainbow trout with canned corn!
  4. It sounds like you're typing the URL?... if you are, you really should give copy and paste a try. It'll open up a whole new world for you! Here's a youtube tutorial on copy and paste if you're interested:
  5. Both of y'all talk funny!!! ... I sure am glad I don't talk funny!
  6. Another excellent edition of the LimeyAngler fishing show Simon!!! I could almost taste that fried Wall-ice!!! Thanks for taking the time to put that vid together for us!!!
  7. That was great Jacques!!! Don't listen to Brian and Wayne, lathes and dowel are for old weak men and sissies!!! Your lures show a great deal of craftmanship!... you should've been a carpenter!!!
  8. It's because you're Canadian! Here's a shot from inside my snowmobile on the 29th of December of last year!
  9. FishinWire, you can use the preview post button before submitting your report to see if you have the pic posting right. Posting pics is a breeze when you get the hang of it with photobucket, just hover your courser of the pic you want to post and the drop down menu of image codes will appear go down to the bottom code IMG and left click on your mouse to highlight it, then right click and choose copy... then all you have to do is right click your mouse where you want the pic in your report and choose paste. I like to have 2 browser windows open when doing a report, I have my OFC report in one window and photobucket in the other window much easier to switch back and forth to select pics! Then as I mentioned above, you can click the preview post button before submitting your report to see if the pics will show up.
  10. Will the LLJ be in this report???????????????????????????????????????? ... a semi-realistic minnow bait on a drop-shot rig???... whod'a ever thunk it???... now all we have to determine is what color?... white?... shad... chartreuse... or pink???? ... has anyone ever thought of using a live minnow on a drop shot rig?
  11. Sorry, but there are no Bass in the Nip!!! .. unless you count Largemouth and Smallmouth...
  12. Tryin' to get even eh Bubba? ... that's a dang good tune, and more true than you realize!!! ... if I was Canuckian and used to the cold... I'd be there reguardless!!! ... deer season is for the folks that aren't worth a crap at fishing... like you!!!
  13. Here's a novel idea!... why don't we let Kevin and Leslie pick this years date!... any time is fine with me as long as All Fish Are In Season!!! I see no reason why the OFC crew should be limited in the species of fish they desire to target!
  14. You should have your differential serviced according to your owners manual service schedule!
  15. Take the time and money to drive 20 hours north of where you are right now and maybe you'll undersatnd...
  16. Yeah, 19-21 hour drive.. have you ever driven that far just to go fishing???... I remember your Salmon fishing report from back in the summer, you made a 6hr. drive sound like an EPIC trip to go fishing... you should drive down to 'Bama sometime and see what a real drive is like!!! I will not be attending the BOQ G2G this year!
  17. HAHAHAHA!!!... How did I know you were going to wimp out!!!... wimpy wimpy wimpy!!!
  18. So he can't go Walleye, Pike, Perch, Crappie, Bass... etc etc etc fishing... until he's eaten the Salmonoids???
  19. The colors remind me of a Rainbow FlAG!!! Spinning reels rule!!! Shimano Stradic!... Amen!!!
  20. Looks like a slaughter on the water!!!... but then again, I always do well on a charter trip too!... I figure, if I'm paying "high-dollar" for this trip... I'm paying for the fish too!!! I only charter fish waters I'm unfamiliar with, like 20 to 40 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico... if I were to charter a trip in familiar waters, I would feel ashamed!!! Kind of like hiring a guide to fish waters that you live 2 minutes from... like some members here do!!!
  21. Funny you should mention it... I post very specific spots in my reports... but have never seen another OFNer, nor lurker in them... I guess I don't catch good enough fish eh???!
  22. Well then... you're a civilized human being!!!
  23. Did you misplace an "A" for a "U" in the word "sacked"... but we weren't talking about Solo's fish, were we?
  24. Is that how they make "Moosehead" beer???
  25. Fish look the biggest in the vertical hold... why do you think all the TV show guys do it!??
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