I know you can get a non resident license at Wal-Mart, not sure about Kmart. There's also the Bas Pro as mentioned earlier.
Besides the small lakes and ponds, you may also want to try what I call "ditch fishin'". Fishing the small drainage ditches that criss cross down there. You can pull some really amazing fish out of those things with a small inline spinner, Tilapia, Oscars, Bowfin, Spotted Florida Catfish, Gar, and Bass to name just a few.
While driving around, if you should happen to see one (ditch) that looks accesable... pull over and try it! You can also catch Wild Golden Shiners with dough balls on a #8 hook and use them for BIG Bass bait on a 3/0 circle hook.
Be sure to take lotsa pics!!!
... and try a big fat Marshmallow too!!!