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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Nice report and pics!!! Beautiful scenery up there!
  2. Y'all don't get your knickers in a wad! It's just natures way of thinning the heard. We have had the Largemouth Bass Virus hit some of our lakes down here: http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/L...irus_facts.html There's not much you can do except let nature run it's course. ... maybe it's residual/cumulative effects from that Gobie poison??? That was a masterstroke of genius eh?
  3. Great report and pics!!!
  4. 2 casts, 3 fish... 1 pic?... unbelieveable (literally)
  5. Nice report, fish, and pics!!! You run into those kind of -holes every once in a while, my favorite is when they run between you and the shore at WOT!!!... always makes me weave a tapestry of obscenities that lingers in the area for aboot a decade!
  6. I know you can get a non resident license at Wal-Mart, not sure about Kmart. There's also the Bas Pro as mentioned earlier. Besides the small lakes and ponds, you may also want to try what I call "ditch fishin'". Fishing the small drainage ditches that criss cross down there. You can pull some really amazing fish out of those things with a small inline spinner, Tilapia, Oscars, Bowfin, Spotted Florida Catfish, Gar, and Bass to name just a few. While driving around, if you should happen to see one (ditch) that looks accesable... pull over and try it! You can also catch Wild Golden Shiners with dough balls on a #8 hook and use them for BIG Bass bait on a 3/0 circle hook. Be sure to take lotsa pics!!! ... and try a big fat Marshmallow too!!!
  7. Excellent report and pics Monique!!! T.J. is "The Man!"... and you are "The Gal!" That's a beautiful family y'all have there!!! Camp Jiggy is definately a piece of paradise!!! ... I'm still agsap over your Pike pic!!!
  8. Welcome to the "Run Away Thread" club!!!
  9. Nope! ... just looks funny
  10. The ones that really make me laugh are the ones that hold a spinning rod upsidedown (reel on top) and turn the crank handle backwards!!!
  11. ... and that would be because they're just aboot useless!
  12. Great report and pics Smokey!!! Looks like a nice place to stay!
  13. Is this the boat with the "redesigned" skeg?... If yes, how did it do?
  14. Good to hear you're finally getting back out Alex!!! Nice "Chopper" and "Snapper"!
  15. Best Fishes to ya on yer B-day Dan'l!!!
  16. Excellent report TJ!!! One of the best reports I've seen in a long time!!! Oh Man!!! Monique holdin' that Hugh Jass Pike!!!... I dunno if I can contain myself!!!
  17. I just like to rib you aboot the pepperspray because yer the Fuzz I've never sprayed or been sprayed with it, but I'm sure it's some nasty stuff!
  18. There should be a minimum of 6 pics in this report!!! ... and how much pepperspray was used to subdue the perps???
  19. Aren't pistol grip rods for children?
  20. Go there to party... and you might catch a fish!
  21. Great report and pics y'all!!!
  22. Great report and pics!!!
  23. ...
  24. Great looking job Cliff! Now you and bly go catch us some big fish to look at with it!!!
  25. Sturgeon roe is caviar, very expensive!
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