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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I don't remember seeing any pics of fish in that report!!! Excellent report anyway!!!
  2. Here's a "soon to be" classic! From the: where to shore fish tomorrow? in the hamilton area Thread. Q.
  3. I can't believe that one Dan! If his knife never penetrated the rib cage, that would leave the swim bladder intact with no flesh for balast and no muscles to swim with... I'm pretty sure the remains would've floated and not sunk to the bottom. ... and that someone that started fishing is a SNAGGER!!! ... don't try to B.B. us Bubba.
  4. Pull the spark plugs and see what they look like. What gas/oil mix ratio were you using? Was it fresh? How old is you fuel line?
  5. Stress starts the instant the hook is driven home.
  6. I believe Beans has got Carp-itis!!!
  7. What do you expect from a Buckeye?
  8. Why would you need a boat to go shore fishing???
  9. Don't worry Beans, there'll be more to take their places. Maybe this natural culling will leave more food for the survivors and make some nice 50 and 60 lbers.
  10. I say Pike too, but I really like the pattern thing it has going there!!!
  11. ...
  12. Be keerful and catch lotsa fishes!!! Keep the camera handy eh!
  13. It must really be a drag to grow old like that eh Bubba? You can only be young once... but you can be immature forever!!!
  14. That's because you don't live where the fishing pressure is heavy enough Dan, how many other boats do you see out on the water on an average day?
  15. You don't think these fish have learned that there is food here and how to take it?
  16. I have the little colored boy down the street do mine... ... for a big Watermelson on Sunday!
  17. Take losta pics so we can see who smells like what eh?
  18. Try a spot close to the water!
  19. We have a winner!!!! I knew it'd take an ol' fart to ID it!!! 1961 model... and the right color too!
  20. ...
  21. ... don't mean to brag...
  22. ...
  23. ...
  24. ... speaking of which... I need to do that now!!!
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