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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It doesn't happen to me either Tom, but is the reason people are always asking me to borrow my knife (they know I always have one or more on me)... and I don't really like to loan out my knives, not even for a minute!
  2. What do you do when you need a knife and don't have one??? Yer up Chocolate Creek without a popsicle stick!!!
  3. These are my sheath knives: Top is Spec Plus machete (very heavy duty) 2nd right is a Matton Edge custom (it was gifted to me by my BIL and is fer lookin at only) 3rd right is the USMC issue K-bar that my Pops carried in Vietnam (it's pretty much for just lookin at too) Bottom right is a Parker&Sons 2nd left is a Spec Plus Bowie 3rd left is an Explorer Survivor 2 (Rambo survival) Bottom left is a Spec Plus Air Force survival
  4. Don't forget you're duct tape!!!
  5. I used to have one of the Kershaw multiblade knives, but I dunno what happened to it.
  6. You're gonna cut yourself playing with knives boy!
  7. Glad to hear doing well Bubba Joe! Man that joy juice they put you under with will make hours fly by in an instant eh! Was this the hand that suffered the dog bite?
  8. Why do most Greek men return to Greece?... because they miss their brothers behind!!! Have a great time Bill, and good luck with the fish... and anything that smells like one!!!
  9. The Gerber Fishermans Tool is just as handy fer unhookin' 'Possums as it is for fish!!! Possum fishin' reminds me of Halloween (when they bite the best) when we gather around and watch the young'uns bob for Armadillos in a #3 wash tub!
  10. I was just ribbin' you on this one Lew, I'm sure when someone has caught as many as you have they all get to lookin' pretty much the same... and some of them prolly are the same fish you've caught before. I'm sure if you caught an extra special nice one you take a pic of it for us. Which brings us to the question of: How long would a Musky have to be, before you would think about taking a pic of it Lew?... over 50"?... over 55"?
  11. The best thing about 'Possum innerds is... they is just as good the next day!!!
  12. The PB Sunfish is a Bluegill. If you'll choose the bottom IMG url beneath the photo (3rd one down) you pics will display here instead of the link.
  13. ...
  14. Great report and pics Keram!!! Don't tell me you threw the Crappies back...
  15. ...
  16. That is the exact same impression I got! ... and my comment about not speaking english was to give you the oppertunity to ignore this confrontational He was trying to ruin your trip, and it sounds like he did a fair job of it... despicable!!!
  17. ...
  18. Next time look him straight in the eye and tell him "No speaky ingrish"! ... or you could quote him the daily possesion limits for the zone you are fishing and inform him that it's againt the law to harrass/interfere anyone that is fishing by legal methods. ... or you could really blow his mind and start speaking spanish to him! "No comprender english, e no molesta mi pescados... puto! There's absolutely nothing wrong with keeping a limit of Sunfish, they need to be harvested or they have a tendency to become stunted. The meat is very sweet and delicious!
  19. Paranoia strikes deep yanno!!! PEPPERSPRAY!!! Great report and pic!
  20. Yup! Pumpkinseed Sunfish!
  21. Yeah! Take the red ribbon from around the goats neck and tie it around your finger!!!
  22. That done it Lew!!! I'm not believing any more of these "fish stories" until I see some pics!!! I'm tired of being deprived of readily available fish porn!!! ... or maybe you're just getting too old to "cut the mustard"?
  23. What the heck!!! Why wasn't I told aboot this up on the West Arm??? I coulda fixed it for you up there... out in the boat even! Hope all goes well and you get back to finger banging in record time! ... can't be any worse than the knee surgery stuff.
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