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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. *sniff*... does this mean you're not going to abuse me anymore??? *sniff*
  2. You say the sweetest things Tom!!!
  3. I rest my case on Bass Tourney -holes... you just proved my point! Had this Bozo been the "Ethical Angler" you speak of, he'd have gone straight to his truck and trailer and removed his boat in a quick and timley manner instead of tieing valuable dock space while he shot the Bull with his boyfriends.
  4. No thanks, I can pull my pants down and bend over in front of a mirror if I want to see an -hole!!!
  5. Great report and pics Cliff!!! Fishing docks with plastic worms???... How disgusting is that? What are you tryin' to do?... Turn into one of the -holes like ol' Darrin Schwenlibeck?... those rude obnoxious Bass tourney guys really whizz me off!!! I know all of them aren't that way, but it seems like more of them are than aren't! Glad you and the Fam had a good day out!!! You may want to consider a tilley/bimini top or umbrella for the young'un during the hot days.
  6. If you going to use the fluro for a leader, use the leader material. I use Vanish for a mainline and really like it, but it just doesn't hold up as a leader. Seaguar is the best leader material, stay away from the pink Yo-Zuri crap though... the fish hate it and breaks easily on snags.
  7. ...
  8. When was the last time you had the impeller replaced? Your impeller may have gone out on you without your realizing it, and the motor ran hot and siezed... I hope not...but...
  9. A Happy Holiday to all y'all!!!
  10. Unfortunately, it sounds seized to me. Try removing the spark plugs and see if it'll turnover with the starter or rope, spray some WD40 in the cylinder too.
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