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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Looks like fun to me!!!
  2. Great report and pics Steve!!! Beauty fish too!!!
  3. I do the same exact thing Dan! ... and if the fish doesn't make, he can go right into the cooler on ice!
  4. Nice report and pics!!!
  5. Great report and pics!!!
  6. Nice report, pics, and fish Art!!!
  7. Fish decompose quickly, the longer you can keep them alive before cleaning them the better... but that's just me...
  8. ... yeah, but what aboot the time I caught this PIKE???
  9. Dumb ol' fish!!!
  10. You may want to reconsider your drag setting if you're getting that many break offs... or step up to a 15 lb. leader or more. Keep experimenting with leader sizes, maybe go up to 25 lb. and if no bites back off to 20.
  11. If I had a dollar...
  12. Nice FAT fish!!!
  13. Nice report, fish, and pics!!!
  14. ...
  15. Great report pics and fish!!!
  16. It's against the law to return them back to the water alive.
  17. Happy Happy Joy Joy and Best Fishes to you on your Birthday Bubba Roy!!!
  18. Great report and pics!!! That's a nice healthy lookin Pike!
  19. Great report and pics!!! What're y'all doing with all those clothes on???
  20. Nice report and pics!!! I really like those Lobs!!!
  21. Bass fishing is open year 'round in Florida! The Dead Lakes (actually 1 lake) near Wewahitchka will be your best bet for BIG Bass in the Panama City area. It is a Cypress stump swamp. The most effective way to fish it is with a 20' long cane pole rigged with 25 lb. test mono a large bobber and a 6-12" live Golden Shiner. Drop the live Shiner at every stump you see, if no bite in 1 minute... move to another stump. A 5-15 lb. Bass is a helluva fight on a 20' cane pole. Hire a guide if you can for the first day. Wewa is about a 45 min-1 hr. drive from P.C. If I was you, I'd charter an inshore saltwater trip for Bull Redfish and Saltwater Sheepshead (Convict Fish). The Red (fish) and Black drum will rip your shoulders out of the socket and there isn't any finer eating than the Sheepshead (different from fresh water). The Bull Reds will definately be running at that time of year. Deep sea isn't worth the time at that time of year because Red Snapper and Grouper seasons are closed. If you need anymore info you can PM me. Dead Lakes: http://www.wildernet.com/pages/area.cfm?ar...ELK&CU_ID=1 btw... this is the size of the Redfish you can catch down there from shore and small boats in the Fall and winter: The fish in the foreground are Sheepshead (Convict Fish)
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpjsoC1F74o
  23. Great report and pics!!! Have y'all tried Gobie imitation cranks or plastics in those waters? It looks like there's enough of them in there to make it worth a try.
  24. You're absolutely correct Cudz! That was my mistake on the 6 hooks. I always use the rigs baited, so 4 hooks in Canada. Before using the 6 hook rig in Canada, I clip off the 2 top hooks because about 90% of the fish are caught on the bottom 4 hooks when I fish a 6 hook rig here in Alabama. As bly mentioned, Hammerhead Lures sells the 4 hook rigs locally up there, and Hayabusa brand also makes a 4 hook rig. These rigs are heavier and work well when the water is stained and/or the fish are actively feeding... but when the water is clear and/or the fish are finicky, the light Daiichi goes on the rod.
  25. I knew that Muckiestubb was a no-goodnick the first time I saw him!!! Associating with Poachers an' Rednecks an' Admin an' the like!!!
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