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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Well if you're going to go that route Terry, why not go wireless??? http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...602013&rid= It's the same as yours without a wire to get your feet tangled up in, or knotted... or cut. ... but realistically, I think the transom mount would give better boat control being mounted a little closer to the center of the transom.
  2. Terry, the controll cable that goes from the foot pedal to the head of a bow mount wouldn't be long enough to reach the deck when deployed in that manner and is another reason a bow mount wouldn't work for you on the front of your boat Mo. I believe the pedal controll transom mount would be your best bet Mo.
  3. Gerritt and Stoty disappear at the same time... am I the only one that smells a Honeymoon???
  4. Yeah, but those dang things are expensive too!!! http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0002000_200-2-1 I personally can't see their value at that price...
  5. ... because as you mentioned earlier... it adds mucho $$$ to the price!
  6. Bow mount wouldn't be good for your boat Mo... too difficult to deploy and retract!
  7. ... or you could go for a Liberal Arts degree! ... can you say "would you like fries with that?"
  8. Join the military first.
  9. That happens a lot down here at license check points... and just by coincidence, it happens at Talladega race time!
  10. Today for me it was 5 Bass in the boat in an hour and 10 minutes... then the bite stopped. With the biggest breaking me off and 3 dinks I didn't count.
  11. ...
  12. I don't know aboot you... but if I've got my britches on, I have my license! If I want to stop by the side of the road and fish I can, if someone ivites me on an impromptu fishing trip... I am sooo there! You might be a Redneck if you've used a fishing license as a form of I.D... guilty as charged!
  13. I've saved that pic... it'll come in handy at a later date I'm sure!!!
  14. ...
  15. ...
  16. She can really kick your with that brace on Saw her making firewood kindling on the West Arm last month, no ax or hatchet... just a quick Kung Fu reach and grip!!! ... did you teach her that Cliff?
  17. Great report, pics, and fish!!!
  18. Welcome! Real nice fish pics!!!
  19. Great report and pics!!! Noice mess of fish too!
  20. Yes, it too bad a vessel operators and drivers license dosn't make a sensible person... but it does ensure that they either knew or should've known beter. If the water Cops had seen that he would've gotten a ticket!
  21. I don't think so...
  22. What the heck ya gonna do???... rope'm?!!!
  23. ... that sounds nasty!!
  24. With the price of gas, why would you want a Hugh Jass motor???
  25. Weren't you a member on here before? ... are you not familiar with the "no pics... no believe" clause in effect? Just kiddin' ya! It sounds like you're having a great time... but without pics... it's just a "story" eh?
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