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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. HOT DAMN!!! ... yer gonna target them "Nuke Fish"... aintcha??? *Glow*
  2. Don't tell me you forgot to pack the camera Stan??? Glad y'all could get out on the water! Time spent is never a waste!!!
  3. Yeah, it tickles me too to think that people actually think a minivan is actually a van. It's a van body on a car chassis and is designed to only transport people in a spacious interior!!! It's not just a coinkydink that the first minivan ever made was named a Car-a-van (Caravan). Trucks, full size vans, and full size SUVs are built for towing/hauling... not cars and minivans!!! There have been a few advancements in minivans, but they're still a van body on a car chassis... and you get what you pay for!!! btw... the Honda plant less than 10 miles from my house builds the Oddesey, Pilot, and Ridgeline models. I will not comment on the organized labor remark...
  4. Great report and pics Jen!!!
  5. Very Cool and RARE!!! Thanks for posting that!!!
  6. ... and darn good looking ones too!!!
  7. NOW is the time to start Shellacking your Marshmallers!!!
  8. Happy Birthday and Best Fishes to you Connie!!!
  9. Excellent work Keram!!! The bottom 2 look like they could double as duck and goose calls too! I'm positive you'll catch a nice fish on all of them!!!
  10. Isn't he that Limey that thinks Ingaland still owns Canada?
  11. There's an old saying "The right tool for the job"!!! Too many people have tunnel vision when buying a new vehicle! All they look at is $$$ IMO, the first thing you need to look at is SAFETY!!! The second is "What am I going to use this vehicle for?" and "What was this vehicle manufactured to do?" If you're going to tow/haul with your vehicle... buy one that is manufactured to do that!!! Make sure it has the towing package!!! Be aware of the tow/hauling capacities!!! In short: Don't buy a minivan/compact SUV/car to do the job of a full size pickup/SUV... yes it will do the job for a little while, but you WILL HAVE drivetrain and safety issues much earlier than the life expectancy of your vehicle is rated for! Then you'll be squeeling like a pig about how that maker/brand is such a piece of crap... when in fact it was all due to your own idiocy!!!
  12. ...
  13. ...
  14. It's just kinky when you use a feather John... ... it's perverted when you use the whole chicken!
  15. The most fun you can have without laffin'!!!
  16. Fly fishing, Bighead, and Upper Beaver!!! sounds XXX
  17. There are actually 2 species of Spotted Bass: Micropterus punctulatus punc... Northern (Kentucky) Spotted Bass Micropterus punctulatus henshalli... Alabama Spotted Bass... these fish are native to the Coosa River that I fish, but have been stocked elsewhere.
  18. Why should he pay up early? He'll hold the money until the deadline and earn the interest on it. I'm sure in the end he'll pay... or go to jail!
  19. How dare you belittle my fish like that!!!... that fish is a good 4 1/2 or 5 inches long!!! ... 12 lbs is real close though!
  20. Ok... but can y'all guess the weight of this MONSTER? 1 "Attaboy" (gratis) to the one that comes the closest!
  21. Congratulations (in advance) Bubba! Hope you and Jesse catch lots of fish together!!!
  22. Great report and pics!!! Some real nice fish too!!!
  23. Pound for pound, they are a stronger fish than a Largemouth because Spots prefer areas with current, whereas a Largie would rather have slack water if the forage is there. I do catch Spots and Largies in the same place, but the ratio is probably 5 Spots to 1 Largie. Spotted Bass and Largemouth fight differently too, the Largies will come up close to the surface and jump to try to shake the hook free... while a Spot will bulldog for the bottom and try to break you off on rocks and wood, if they can't get to the bottom they will head for deep open water where they feel the safest. I did have a Spot break water on me about a month ago and thought "what the hell?"... asked him what he thought he was doing when I got him in the boat and he told me it was a trick a Largemouth taught him.
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