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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Hope everything went well and it all works good for ya Bubba!!! Get well soon!!!
  2. An Epic report!!! Beautiful pics and fish!!!
  3. If I was going to listen to something from 1972
  4. Nope! They're Turnip greens down here too, the only part that's really worth eating... tried feeding the bottom part to the dog and she wouldn't even eat them!!! Not sure that Rutabaga's are even fit for hog slop.
  5. Maybe that's what greenwashing is up yonder... but down here it's what you do to Collards after you pick them and before you cook them!
  6. A family pet is a family member and their passing is most grevious, I'm sorry to hear of your tragic loss Norm. I'm sure Rocky was a good and faithful cat. Carelessness with antifreeze is just plain stupid!!!
  7. Thank you very much for that Miss bly!!! ... now my head hurts!
  8. That was a very good explanation there Miss bly!!! ... now how do you work the word that's actually a link thingy?
  9. I'm sure there are a lot of AC/DC's in Toronto.
  10. Ya mean like this? http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=FS_VlIhKn6c
  11. I've noticed that most of the people that fuss about Chinese made stuff are the folks that are buying it... and if they wouldn't buy it, there wouldn't be a market for it! If you want to or think you're saving a dollar or two, that's fine! Just don't fuss about it! Here in the U.S everything has the country of origin printed or stamped on it so you can see it before you buy it. If the country of origin isn't printed on something you're thinking about buying... take a wild guess as to where it was made, especially if the price is low. China is the worlds machine shop, get used to it! They do make a lot of lower grade stuff, but it's not as bad as some of the stuff made in Afganistan or India! China also makes some decent grade stuff. Chinese firearms can be a good deal if you know what to look for.
  12. Ok!... thanks!... I must've meant Ohio State!
  13. If you want a boat that will go more faster... check out one of these! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=15284565
  14. I don't want to start any trouble, but... I don't think those fish are goin' to revive too well like that.
  15. I'd have it checked for Melamine!
  16. I like the college ball, #8 Bama's upset against #3 Jawja last weekend tickled the whizz outta me!!! Is it true that the Big 10 has never won a bowl game against the SEC?
  17. I am so there!!!
  18. Hopefully all this will be compatible with VISTA?
  19. It's a no-brainer T.J.! ... buy Old Millwaukie stock!!!
  20. Heck yeah!!! Y'all get yer off the lake and let me have some peace and quiet!!!
  21. That's a beautiful Pontiac truck Ad.!!! She's got enough to do most any type of towing y'all will need , and I know she's ultimately comfortable on the inside! The only thing you probably won't care for is feeding her.
  22. Very nice report and pics!!! Some very fine fish porn taboot too!!!
  23. Looks like a nice little spot you got yourself there John!!! A 1/16th or 1/8th oz. inline spinner like a Panther Martin or Roostertail on a good UL rod spooled with 2-4 lb. test Flurocarbon line should kick Bass and Panfish in there!
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