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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I think you're havin' one of these Billy: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yp9ASVUg_A
  2. Yeah, I guess I could just sit here like a bump on a log. ... but how much fun would that be?
  3. I love my Stradics... very dependable!!!
  4. You caught them with a zipper???
  5. Great report and pics ehg!!! Some real purdy fish too!!! Was it a C&R day?
  6. This is what Rednecks like to listen to:
  7. I have my home phone hooked up to a fax machine that gives them a nice TWEEEEEET in their ear! Family and friends know to call our cell phones.
  8. Nice Dalmation you got there... you Bass fisherman!
  9. Dang! It must really suck to buy that brand of boat eh?... and for the dealer to treat you like that after you were bragging on him so well after you bought the boat too! Thanks for the warning, I'll be sure to stick with my Tracker... especially since I didn't have any warranty problems at all! Maybe they were trying to tell you something when they gave you the "free" hat?
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  13. We have a red clay that is slicker than snot on a glass door knob and sticks like Napalm when it gets wet down here.
  14. Only regrets I've ever had with a new boat is that I didn't buy it sooner!!!
  15. The title of this thread should be "Making $300 bucks Go Away"!!!! Have fun and catch big fish!!!
  16. Buy online! Save $$$, time, and gasoline!!! That's what I'm talkin' about!!!
  17. JHC!!! That's a Hugh Jass fish!!! Is it just me... or does bly get sexier as the fish get bigger???
  18. ... because Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes?
  19. So, will you be using one of these to call your family and friends to sell them your Primerica stuff?
  20. WHY did you have to post another one??? If you're not part of the solution... you're part of the problem!!!
  21. Hard work, long hours, and low pay... welcome to the world of being an immigrant!!! Did this woman have to work this job?... no! Should she have spoken up?... yes! How long would it have taken y'all to figure out this wasn't a babysitting job?.... the first day? This woman needs to hug her ex-employers neck for just making her do honest work, and teaching her a life lesson!!! Some female immigrants a forced into much worse lines of "work".
  22. DEAD FISH SWIMMING!!! Great report and pics Cliff!!! Leave it to bly to catch a PINK fish!!!
  23. ...
  24. Very nice report and pics Rich!!! It was great to see you and Ms. Patsy at Lakair, thanks for taking the time to stop by!!! See you in June!
  25. ...
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