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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Looks like a nice little boat to me Urby!!! Definately a step up from the "tooner"... I wouldn't troll Salmoons on Lake O with it, but for your small water haunts it should be perfect for a while! Looking forward to pics of you, the young'un, and dog in it!!! That'll be a 3 ring circus eh!!!
  2. If you don't buy it now somebody else might jump in and grab it! ... but if you don't check it out, you may be sorry. Have a compression check done on the motor... and if you buy it, have the impeller (water pump) replaced before you take it out.
  3. Keep the transom saver in the prone position Rizz! I tilt my motor all the way up and all the way down 2 or 3 times every time I go out during freezing weather to drain all of the water out of it, but always put it back on the transom saver.
  4. ... actually it's thousands... six thousand and a few. You know as well as most of us do that that Black Drum is too big to be held that way! You shouldn't have posted the pic if you didn't want anyone to bring that to your attenion... but you knew that, hence your second post to this thread. It is a very nice fish... and deserves more respect than that!
  5. Oh Yeah!... heaven forbid you should get fish slime/poop on your nice white shirt.
  6. Would you mind swinging by and picking me up?
  7. WOOO-HOO!!! That was an epic report for sure!!!!!!!!!! The Lakers, kinda like nekkid wimmins... ya seen one, ya seen them all. The Graylings were very nice and something you don't see every day! Those Char though!!! ... them there things really made my sticker peck out!!! The most beautiful freshwater fish I've ever seen, and Frackin' HUGE TOO!!! ... gotta get me some ARCTIC CHAR!!!!
  8. My deepest condolences to his family and friends, he will be sorely be missed on this board. I met Gary at the last Lakair G2G he attended, he was really a great guy in person just like on the board!!! Rest in Peace Gary, we will miss you!
  9. ...
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  11. ...
  12. One of the reasons your friend got such a good price on the boat is because it didn't come with seats, but that's ok! Y'all can install the ones you really like the best. I wouldn't settle for the ones that look easiest to install if you like others better, none of them are that hard to install if you're handy with tools. The biggest concern for me would be the seat placement in the boat over ease of installation, where they work and look the best. You'll want to position the tiller seat so the motor can be easily operated without having to stretch or lean to far one way or the other. The seat on the front casting deck should be centered in the middle of the deck for leg room all the way around it, also to help "balance the boat with weight distribution when someone is sitting in it. The seat forward of the tiller should be placed off center of the boat about the same distance as the tiller seat on the opposite side for weight distribution when a passenger is onboard. You may want to go to a marine dealer and look at some boats that are similar with seats installed and take some measurements. As far as installation goes, like I said... it's not that hard, but will be time consuming. Your best bet will be (and I know you probably don't want to hear this) to mark where you want the seats on the decks and then remove them from the boat to install the pedestal bases (this should be pretty easy since you don't have a console to contend with). This way you can easily install your fasteners on the underside of your decking for the bases and it solves the problem of how to get to the center seat installation. I highly recommend using stainless steel Tee Nuts on the underside of your decking to hold the oval head machine screws (1/4-20) The same thing boat manufacturers use for pedestal seat installation. They use these for a flush mount application because seat placement rarely coincides with the deck joist/framing and you don't have to worry about "missing" a joist with a nut and washer. If your screw is a little long and sticks past the Tee nut after installation, cut it off flush with a small grinder or Dremel. A lot of people don't understand the stresses (acceleration, deceleration, choppy/rough water, and the weight of a 200+ lb. person) put on a pedestal seat base in a boat and think you can simply screw the seat down to the decking with wood screws. Big mistake! This will only hold temporarily, and sooner or later (sometimes sooner) you'll end up on your or in the drink! As far as pedestal seat selection, I would choose a quality one with more than 4 fasteners holding the base to the decking. The better quality will add value to the boat for resale. Remember, weight distribution is a key factor in safe boating! I hope this helps.
  13. Real nice report, pics, and fish!!!
  14. Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier 1818) Common Name: pirapatinga, red-bellied pacu Taxonomy: available through Identification: Machado-Allison (1982) revised the pacus and provided distinguishing characteristics for Piaractus brachypomus. Colossoma bidens and Colossoma brachypomum are junior synonyms that have been widely used in the aquarium literature and in most past reports concerning fish introductions. Many Piaractus taken in U.S. waters have been misidentified and reported as the red piranha Pygocentrus nattereri. This pacu species is also confused often with the other common pacu species, tambaqui Colossoma macropomum and possibly with Piaractus mesopotamicus. An unpublished mimeograph by Taylor (1985) used to identify pacus was apparently based on information provided by Britski (1977) and Machado-Allison (1982). For photographs, see Machado-Allison (1982), Géry (1977, identified as Colossoma sp. on pages 252 and 256) and Goulding (1980, identified as Colossoma bidens). Size: 85 cm SL and 20 kg. Native Range: Tropical America. Orinoco and Amazon river basins, South America (Machado-Allison 1982). Interactive maps: Continental US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico Nonindigenous Occurrences: A single fish (241 mm long) was taken in Alabama by an angler from Elk River in Limestone County on 29 August 1988 (museum specimen); the original newspaper account (Middleton 1988) incorrectly reported the fish as being a red piranha. A specimen was also collected in Lay Lake in Lower Coosa Basin in 2005 (Rider 2005) and in Magnolia River in 2002 (Hartman, pers. comm.). Two fish were collected in North Sauty area of Guntersville Lake (Bonner 2005). One fish was taken by an angler from a cemetery pond in Arkansas in Fayetteville, Washington County, in June 1995 (Wright 1995a, 1995b). Species were also collected from the Hot Springs vacinity (Loe 2005). One pacu was captured in California at Stevens Creek Reservoir, Santa Clara County, on 4 July 1996 (R. N. Lea, personal communication). Four specimens were collected from Adobe Creek in Petaluma, California, in July 2000 (D. Logan, personal communication). A single fish was collected from private pond in a housing development just east of town of Delta, Colorado, in October 2004 (P. Walker, pers. comm.). Specimen was collected in the Denver area (Anonymous 2004). There are several records of single fish taken from various sites in Florida including a pond near Port Charlotte in DeSoto County in September 1983 (Courtenay, personal communication); Bivens Arm Lake in Gainesville, Alachua County, 5 December 1984 (museum specimen); a lake at St. Lucie West Development, just east of I-95/St. Lucie West interchange in St. Lucie County, 11 June 1991 (museum specimen); a retention pond at the Stoneridge Apartments in Gainesville, Alachua County, 5 September 1993 (museum specimen); Lake Alice, Gainesville, Alachua County, 22 January 1998; Turkey Creek in Palm Bay, Brevard County, 16 November 2000 (Ruiz-Carus and Davis 2003), artificial lake in Coral Springs in 2005 (Kelley, pers. comm.). There are several records of single fish (identified as Colossoma bidens) taken from various sites in Georgia, including a private pond in Banks County in 1982, a private pond in Coweta County in 1987, and Big Cotton Indian Creek, east of Stockbridge in Henry County on 6 June 1990 (R. M. Gennings, personal communication). A specimen was collected from Savannah National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS 2005). A single fish was taken an by angler from Lake Tara in the Flint River drainage in September 1994 (museum specimen). A fish was collected from Wahiawa Reservoir (=Lake Wilson), Oahu, Hawaii (Wright 2004). A single fish taken with a trotline from the Mississippi River in Illinois, south of Chester, in or near Randolph County in September 1988; in an erroneous newspaper account (Anonymous 1988), it was identified as a piranha, but the accompanying photograph shows it to be Piaractus. Additional state records include a fish taken from Little Grassy Lake, Williamson County on 15 June 1992 (museum specimen); a single fish was taken from a campus lake at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Jackson County, on 22 June 1992 (Burr et al. 1996). Two fish were collected from Bangs Lake (Chinwah 2005). A fish was collected in Fox River in Carpentersville in 2005 (TePas, pers. comm.). One specimen was taken by a fisherman in the Brush Creek Reservoir, Indiana in August 2004 (L.Lehman, personal communication). Another was taken in Oxbow Park, Hammond, Indiana, in June 2005 (D. Keller, personal communication). A specimen was also caught in the Little Culumet River/Lake Michigan in Fall of 2003 (Simon and Breidert 2003). Fish were collected from Cayuga Power Plant discharge in 2002 and 2005 (Keller, pers. comm.) A single fish was taken from Lake Barkley, Cumberland-Ohio River drainage, Kentucky, about river mile 56, in Trigg County, on 16 June 1993 (museum specimen). Another Kentucky pacu (based on a newspaper photograph probably this species) was taken from Lake Cumberland in 1991; it was incorrectly reported as a piranha in original newspaper account (see Lander 1991). Pacus were collected from Caney Lake and Shreveport, Louisiana (Richie 2004) and Red River near Acme in 2005. Collected from C S Mott and Glover's Lakes near Flint, Michigan (Bass Times Staff Reporter 2005). The species is reported in Lakes Huron, Erie, Michigan, and Ontario (Cudmore-Vokey and Crossman 2000). The fish were collected from Bynum Run Park near Bel Air, Susquehanna River at Conowingo Pool near Peach Bottom, golf course in Calvert County, Susquehanna River near Port Deposit, and Swan Creek, Potomac drainage, Maryland (Maryland Department of Natural Resources 2004, 2005). One specimen was taken in Massachusetts by an angler from Dug Pond in Natick, Middlesex County, in 1988 (Hartel 1992; Hartel et al. 1996); another was taken from Webster Lake, Webster in 1992 (Hartel 1992). A specimen identified as this species was taken in Minnesota from Taft Lake, Hennepin County (K. Schmidt, personal communication). Also collected from Tanner Lake in 2002 (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 2005). There have been five records from Mississippi, all from the Pascagoula River drainage. Two specimens were originally identified as Colossoma species, the first collected at Lake Serene, Lamar County, in September 1990, and the second taken from a tributary in the Leaf River system, Forrest County, in July 1991 (Ross and Brenneman 1991; S.T. Ross, personal communication). There are two records of single specimens taken from West Lake in the Leaf River system, Lamar County, during the summer of 1992; another specimen was taken from a pond in the Leaf River system in Hattiesburg, in September 1982 (museum specimens; Ross, personal communication). Specimens have been collected in Sardis Lake (Tallahatchie River) northwest of Oxford in northern Mississippi, Enid Lake, and Lake Patsy (Oxford) (Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries 2003). Collected from Tchoutacabouffa River near Lil Joe's Cedar Lake Fishing Camp and Gautier (Jones 2003; Lukens, pers comm. 2003). A single specimen was taken by an angler in southwest Missouri from Stockton Lake, Dade County, in August 1995 (T. J. Banek, personal communication). Also collected from Longview Lake just southeast of Kansas City (Missouri Department of Conservation 2003). A single specimen was taken by angler in Montana from Lake Elmo, Billings, in July 1994 (preserved specimen). This species has been taken from one or more sites in Nebraska; Welsch (1996) reported that piranhas were commonly taken in the state but the accompanying photograph of a local 'piranha' is that of a Piaractus brachypomus. Collected from Tate Pond near Hudson, New Hampshire (AP 2005). This species was reported in Lake Ontario, New York (Cudmore-Vokey and Crossman 2000) and in Esopus Creek, NY (Arnold 2005). In North Carolina a single fish was taken with a hook and line from Elizabeth Lake, Insole County, in October 1991 (Lee 1991). Pacus were collected from Wauseon Reservoir and Ohio River near the mouth of Paddy Creek, in Rome Township, Ohio (Dick 2005; Stephens 2005). A specimen was cought in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma on September 25, 2003 (Hysmith, pers. comm. 2003); two were caught near Catoosa in 2007 (K. Holcomb, pers. comm.). A single specimen was taken in Oregon from the Willamette River near Portland in Multnomah County, on 4 July 1988; one or more other collections of pacu from other sites in the state also may represent this species (Logan et al. 1996). One fish was collect from Fairfield Fish Culture Station at the edge of West County Pond in Erie County, Pennsylvania in 2000 (Browser and Leighton 2000). Specimens have been collected in the Ohio River near the towns of Industry and Glasgow (Dyer 2001). Several single fish (identified as Colossoma brachypomum) were taken from various sites in Texas including Town Lake in Austin, Travis County, in 1980; Lake Bastrop, Bastrop County, during the summer of 1987; the Colorado River near Bastrop, Bastrop County, on 16 July 1987; a private pond near Cleburne, on 12 June 1989; a freshwater canal near Nederland, Jefferson County, on 4 June 1990; Gray's Hisle Camp, Tri Cities Beach Road, near Baytown, Harris County, on 31 July 1990; a creek adjacent to All American Rice Growers Canal, 9.7 km south of Dayton, Liberty County, on 17 October 1990 (an angler reported catching three additional specimens, which he released); the Colorado River 1.6 km upstream from Bastrop, on 26 August 1991 (Howells et al. 1991a). A single fish was also collected in Nasworthy Reservoir, Concho River, Tom Green County; Fort Phantom Hill Reservoir, Jones County; Lake Tyler, Smith County; Lake Granbury, Hood County; Gibbons Creek Reservoir, Grimes County; the Livingston Reservoir; Cypress Creek, Hays County; Trinity River; and Eagle Mountain Lake, near Ft. Worth, Tarrant County, Texas (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 2001; Anonymous 2004; L.Pearson personal communication). Specimens were collected in San Felipe Creek in Del Rio (Killin 2005), Palestine Reservoir, northeast Texas (Knight 2005), Cypress Creek, near Wimberly (Pearson 2000), and Belton Lake (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1993). A single fish was collected in Burke Lake in Burke Lake Park, Fairfax County, Virginia, in June 1988 (Bohn 1988). A fish was also collected in Smith Mountain Lake, Beford County (Conley 2005). A single fish was collected in Medical Lake near Clear Lake, Spokane, Washington (Roesler 2003). Means of Introduction: Most records likely represent aquarium releases, although some Florida and Georgia records may have resulted from fish farm escapes. Status: Reported from 19 states including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indianan, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Texas, and Virginia. Impact of Introduction: Unknown. Remarks: This species is a popular aquarium fish. It is a prized food fish in South America. To date, records maintained by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources on introduced foreign fishes show pacus identified as either Colossoma bidens (= Piaractus brachypomus) or as unidentified pacus. No Colossoma macropomum have yet been taken in Georgia. A fish taken from the Snake River in Oregon (OS 13217) was originally identified as Colossoma macropomum by Logan (1994), but one of us (LGN) examined this specimen and it more likely represents a hybrid between C. macropomum and Piaractus (also see Logan et al. 1996). All Texas specimens were taken by anglers and later identified by biologists of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
  15. I tried one once... won't make that mistake again, had a very strong taste to me.
  16. This may help: http://nas.er.usgs.gov/queries/FactSheet.asp?speciesID=427
  17. Congratulations on the PB!!! That is one KILLER dang' Fish!!! ... sweet spinnerbait too!
  18. CONSOLES RULE!!! Sweet lookin' ride you got there!!!
  19. S'noice big fish!!! Looks like you're puttin' on a few pounds there Bubba!
  20. I'm doing what I can on the US side... I've cut my breathing down to half, and only eat butterbeans and okra 3 times a week instead of 5!!!
  21. Glad to hear you're healing up Bitsmitty!!! Looks like a great day out on the water and I'm sure the fish were just a bonus!!! Still plenty of room left on the Tourney Entries page when you tie into that Lunker!!!
  22. Excellent report,pics, and fish!!! Looks like it's cooling off pretty quickly up there by the amount of clothes y'all are wearin'!
  23. Looks like you got some nice weather and quality fishin' time in Bernie!!!
  24. It'll be in Canada in a couple months Cliff...
  25. Doesn't look like anybody went away hungry from that fish fry!!!
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