White Bass are schooling nomadic fish, you can catch them in one spot today and they may be 5 miles away tomorrow! They typically chase baitfish and push them up into shallow water to massacre the school!
For those that find that Temperate Bass have a strong taste, there's a way to clean them that will do away with the strong taste.
The blood and lateral line of these fish is what gives it the strong taste. It is best to gut the fish first and scrape the artery that runs along the underside of the spine in the organ cavity of the fish, then fillet and remove the skin with the fillet knife... after removing the skin you will see the dark red lateral line on the skin side of the fillet, use your fillet knife to cut a "V" into the fillet... one angled cut on each side of the red lateral line, this will leave you with a nice white piece of fish that is as mild as any fish!
Try it! you'll be pleasantly surprised!