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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I guess this one would be totally out of the question then eh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMnIjqqt6Xw...feature=related
  2. Well, I guess a song about pain and sufferin' would prolly be out of the question then eh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjk9RFNzhNw...feature=related
  3. Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all Steve.
  4. I think this is my all time fave easy listenin' tune! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg4KMEg34Jc
  5. Does anyone know of any good Canadian web sites that sells these suits?
  6. A Southern man don't need him around... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rveKcXKDRPg...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huLklsj_5HI
  7. I'm hopin' Santa will bring me one of these, but I'm not sure which one is the better suit. These are the lowest prices I could find on the www. http://www.kodiakoutback.com/detail.aspx?ID=600 http://stores.implex.net/sailboats/mustang...ms2075-p-2.html Which one do you think is the better buy?
  8. What'd you do, shake hands with a "sweep"? Looks like a sweet deal to me!!!
  9. I'll bet you could get an eye put out with one of those nips!!
  10. Getting back on topic, I've been lookin' on the web for them today. Alot of places are out of stock and the cheapest I can find is $340 for the Stearns Commander or $350 for the deluxe Mustang, lots of places are 4 or $500. There are no places here to buy them locally... these Rednecks around here have never heard of them and don't know what they are! I'm just wondering which is the better suit, the Stearns or the Mustang?
  11. Maybe you should take up fishin' instead of huntin'.
  12. ... maybe later, good to see ya posyin' again.
  13. Go comb yer hair dude!!! ... you look like the south end of a northwardbound Baboon!
  14. Yeah, I filled the truck up for $40 last week @ $1.71 per gallon/.45 a liter. It seems that OPEC has some inner squabblings going on and they're reducing the price as a way to get even.
  15. OMG!!!... what's next?... writing do-do in the snow in yellow???
  16. That statement is in error... you may want to read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eel_life_history Fried Eel... not so good... baked and smoked is delicious
  17. American Eel (salt and brackish water) is delicious if prepared properly, why do you think the numbers are in such great decline?... I've eaten it a bunch of times and it was all good!!!
  18. That is a good one Don! I also liked his definition of "snake in the grass".
  19. Hosebibs!... I like that! ... proper terminology!
  20. All fish slow down when the water gets cold... including the bait! The Musky have just as good of a chance to get a meal now as they did in the summer. The Musky weight calculator puts a 55x28.5 at just a Gnats ass under 56 lbs.
  21. Didja happen to notice the price per lb. Jed?
  22. WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!! Jack!!! WTG BUBBA!!! We needed that GL trout BAD!! No need to post the pic anywhere else, I got it! ... as far as I know, all of our fish are up to date.
  23. I actually prefer the Eagle Claw hooks for my jigs for a couple of reasons Zib. 1. The man made reservior I fish has an enormous amount of stumps and flooded timber (rotted off at the waterline years ago). The light wire Eagle Claw hooks are designed to bend when snagged to release the jig instead of having to break them off every time you snag. They can then be rebent into shape and used a few more times with the proper drag setting on your reel. 2. The Eagle Claws come in colors, red, chartreuse, crawfish (orange), gold, and bronze. I'm not sure if hook color makes a hill of beans difference... but I think they're sexy! The last time I ordered hooks, Do-It molds was the only place that had all the colors I wanted in the size I needed... and they were cheaper than most places.
  24. Our definition of hockey down here in the South is a little different than yours. If you've watched the old tv show MASH, you may have heard Col. Potter exclaim "Horse Hockey!!!"... he wasn't talking about a game played with or by horses, he was talking about a horse byproduct! Down hear you may hear a child tell it's mother "Momma, little Billy Bob stinks... I think he has hockey in his diaper!" I think the game Hockey got it's name because they used to play it with a frozen Moose turd back in the old days.
  25. You read my mind Bern!!!
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