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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I really like the Alabama/Auburn game final score!!!
  2. You caught them by getting them drunk??? Real nice lookin fish!!! ... fresh!
  3. Ya think Steve??? Where I come from, rumors are usually made of hype and lies and are kin to gossip.
  4. Great report and pics Kemp!!! ... but aren't you s'posed to be sick? If your Momma catches you out playin' in the water like that she's gonna whoop you!!!
  5. Do you ever cook Lobsters??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS-ya2AGLOM
  6. Great tip Steve!!!
  7. I'm sorry chicken, but what Rich said just struck me as funny!!! Na, i got a million of them... but I do think you're in need of a good spell check program!!! Try to stick to the topic on this thread... or is that more than your widdle mind can handle?
  8. I'm sorry if the term "foolish" offended anyone, but in my opinion it was just that! If I lost my life under the same conditions I wouldn't blame anyone for saying the same about me. I won't debate this subject, that was just my opinion.
  9. yeah, they built all those nice houses around my "house on wheels"... makes it look crappier than it really should, that's why I gotta work in the yard all the time!!! Those lots are 1 acre lots = 43,560 square feet... aboot 43,000 more square feet than you want cut grass on, on a 100*F summer day!!! Different developments have different size lots, but most around here are 1/2-1 acre.
  10. Actually, it doesn't spell anything... it's a scalloped rectangle with it's sticker pecking out! Close but no cigar!... I'm an avid supporter of the NHRA!, the fish pond is down the road aboot 10 miles.
  11. If you have to ask... then yes. I believe there was a foolish person in a kayak that drowned on lake O about this time last year.
  12. Actually, it's in 4's... but I don't plant by 3's or 4's. I plant by dimensioned spacing taking into consideration the size of the plant when full grown and the given area I have to work with. ... call me "old fashioned". No natural gas lines here in the cowntry, we have to have propane tanks for our gas needs. Nothing would grow there because the ground was so hard and sloped, all the rain would run right off. Thanks for the kind words y'all!!! ... and for those that weren't so kind........... kiss it!!!
  13. Yeah, but I just can't see someone smuggling Canadian cigs into the States!
  14. I consider myself somewhat of an amatuer landscaper, and enjoy digging in the dirt, planting and growing things. I like to do as much as I can in the yard to make my house on wheels look good! So I had this nasty bare spot in the front yard for all to see when they drove by. I've seeded it a couple of times in the spring, but during the long, hot, dry summers it would die back to this spot. The ground was just too hard, rocky, and dry. So I decided I would end this eyesore once and for all... I broke out the tiller!... the real tiller!!! ... and I tilled!... and tilled! ... and tilled some more!!! I tilled for days! The ground was so hard in that area, I'd have had better luck tilling up the asphalt road!!! Finally got it down to an acceptable depth and went to work on my design. Nothing out of a book and nothing drawn out... it was all in my little punkin head. This the template for the serpentine edging I wanted. Installing the serpentine edging. Once all the edging was installed, it was time tp put down the weedblock fabric. I use a construction grade silt fence Geotextile fabric and double it (2 layers). With all the fabric installed, it was time to start planting. When all the planting was finished I put the finishing touches on the mulch. All of these plants prefer an arid "desert like" enviorment... which they shall recieve in abundance!!! Blue Pacific Juniper, grows 1' tall and 6' in diameter. (6) Old Gold Juniper (gold tips in spring) grows 18" tall and 6' in diameter. (2) Pfitzer Gold Juniper (gold tips in spring) grows 18" tall and 6' diameter (2) Bright Edge Yucca, grows to 24" tall and will "clump" to about a 4' diameter with multiple plants, also has a 3' plume of bell shaped flowers in early summer. (4) Blue Rug Juniper, grows 6" tall and 6' diameter (4) Salmon Oleander, grows 6-7' tall and has pink blooms all summer (1)... he looks kinda rough right now but will come out in the spring. Well that's it, it was a lot of hard work but I think it looks better than it did. Thanks for lookin'!
  15. Great report, pics, and fish!!! Nice "assault rifle" hold on the Brownie!!!
  16. Yer gonna need some Chap-Stik with all that butt-smoochin' goin' on Bubba!!!
  17. Pounds per fish is antiquainted and old hat! Inches is today's standard, if a fish is healthy and fat... it'll look that way in the pic, if it's skinny... guess what?
  18. How much are you paying Jaden and Avery per click?
  19. Did I ever happen to mention that you're a Nuckin Fut!!! Deadly report Dude!!!
  20. I could really see that happening if there was a fresh kill in the area. Then he would learn a lifes lesson... wouldn't he? and his chances of getting lost and dying of exposure and dehydration are greater than being attacked by a pack of wild dogs... I mean rilly, when was the last time you heard of anyone being attacked and killed by a pack of wild dogs? Some may say the same about you.
  21. Jeepers Brian! I didn't know you were such a skeerdy cat-chicken squat!!! ... and it ain't no skin off my if they attack you!... but they didn't, did they? If they are indeed wild dogs they will fear man! All you had to do was stand up and holler at them, and they'd have been gone in the blink of an eye. Domisticated (pet) dogs will "pack up "too, and I'm a more afraid of being bitten by someones pet than a wild dog!!! Domesticated or wild, all you will have to do is yell at them.. and if any come toward you, fire a warning shot into the air... you won't see them after that.
  22. Great recap and some very beautiful fish in there Kemp!!! I did kinda miss those recent Hugh Jass brown troots though.
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