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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Another real nice report Simon!!! Did you take those fish home for dinner?
  2. I'm pretty sure it was a Mexican fishing for Russian Sturgeon that caught the American Bass with the ring in it's stomach...
  3. Amazing! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28042380/
  4. Great lookin' 'Skie for a first!!! Congratulations!!!
  5. Judging by his character, it was only sloppy seconds for the first 2 inches (maybe less) and prolly why she ran off with someone else! Anybody that idolizes this schmuck prolly has the same problem.
  6. I just found this company: http://www.lurecraft.com/ They have the Pro-Tec powder paint for $4.59 for a 2 oz. jar, about a dollar cheaper than anyone else... and $2 cheaper than most. I like Do-It molds for jig hooks, cheaper and a much better selection than I've found anywhere else. http://www.do-itmolds.com/ I like Rotometals for my lead (click on bullet casting alloys), you can get a great price on bulk and shipping is free in the U.S http://www.rotometals.com/ I also like the Stamina company that Zib put up. I realize these are all U.S companies, but you may be able to save enough to make up for the shipping.
  7. A few good trips to the tanning booth would toughen up that skin for all y'all!!!
  8. Is it too early in the morning to start drinking? ... I may need a shot.
  9. Great report and pics Simon!!! With the fish frozen solid like that, you should be able to stack and haul them like cord wood! Nice mess of fish too!
  10. So there's a fish down that bathtub drain hole?
  11. Ditto! I believe some obedience traing is in order, watch the Dog Whisperer.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8paEm4lec5U...feature=related
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQr-Pav7-k
  14. You'll eat anything if you're hungry enough! ... hey look!... there's the south end of a northwardbound skunk!... let's get'im!!!
  15. That might have been someone else's soybean catfish chum they were eating Joe! http://www.outdoorchannel.com/News/Fishing...smellyBoat.aspx How about a nice big plate of Pork Chitterlings? http://idatewhite.com/wp-content/uploads/2...lins01large.jpg Cooked this way! http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Down-Home-Chi...ngs/Detail.aspx
  16. My goodness, that's too bad. ... well at least y'all will have someone to pick on now since anyone that picks on Obama will be considered a r........ Hey! Make y'all can petition the WOC to make politics bashing an Olympic sport?... like they're doing with pole dancing!
  17. ... and now y'all know exactly how many of us felt down here after our election! ... y'all practice up on your on-fron-say now... ya heah?
  18. ... now may be the time your country needs you the most HF.
  19. In France, they only feed corn to swine... but suck down the Carp and Snails like they're going out of style.
  20. I think Carp and the Carp family are more omnivorous, they will eat certain types of vegetation, vegetables, berries, and fruit... otherwise you wouldn't be able to catch them on corn, cereal, cottonseed cakes, and fruit flavored baits. Big Carp and Buffalo will eat just about anything to maintain their massive bulks. There are folks down here in the deep South that eat Carp. The usual recipe is to either grind up the raw meat bones and all of pressure cook the meat bones and all, then mix the meat with a breading and for it into patties that are fried or baked to make a "Sal-mon" (the less educated pronounce the L in Salmon) patty or croquette.
  21. It kinda skeers me a little that you knew where to find that bo-bo
  22. The guy that goes to the Emergency Room for Deer Whoop-Ass wounds!!!
  23. I'll keep an eye out for ya??? Dats really nasty Jacques!!!
  24. Those pink and pink/white would be excellent Crappie killers!!! Great job!!!
  25. Havin' trouble postin' in the right spot Bubba?
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