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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6u731UYatI
  2. There's 2 things in this world I really hate... and one of them is wet lumber!!!
  3. Be sure to let us know how you like them (good or bad), and if they catch fish for you!
  4. Oh boy!!!... a commercial! ... that's why I don't watch TV anymore.
  5. 1. Don't worry about the smoke alarm. 2. Don't worry about the toaster. 3. Get rid of that dumb kid!!!
  6. As bad as I hate to admit it, mine was this Smallmouth Buffalo Carp Caught while Crappie fishin on an itty bitty minnow and light wire #6 hook. It was quite the battle getting this brute to the boat, had to chase him all over the lake before he would give up. Not that prestigious of a fish... but he was Big, Mean, Ugly, and Nasty (the same way I like my wimmins!) ... not as big as the Buffalo, but this landlocked Striped Bass put a heckuva smile on my face too!
  7. Now that is hard up for a fishin' fix!!!
  8. Make dang sure your drain plug is out and not in, you definitely don't want water freezing in your bilge!!!
  9. This was the question asked: You know as well as I do that when you ask for input it's not always going to be positive input, and that's not always a bad thing either. The information in this thread could save someone from wasting money on a lure may never use because they were under the impression that it was a top quality lure that ran true out of the box and not one that that would have to "tune" with an instruction sheet. There are some people that don't want to waste time futzing around on the water tuning a bait that they paid a hefty price for, and there are others that couldn't tune one if they wanted to with or without an instruction sheet!!! If this thread was started to sell these lures.. it may have done the Wile E. Coyote backfire instead! Be careful what you ask for... you may get it! btw.. does anyone know the country of origin for these lures?
  10. Excellent report, but I only see 2 pics... but they're good'uns!!! It must've been bloody cold out there! Good on y'all for getting the last openwater trip in so late in the year!!!
  11. Another word you might be looking for is anadromous. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anadromous
  12. Toilet seats were never a problem for me back then.... but the zipper on the fly of my pants was hell!!!
  13. Looks like an excellent setup to me Simon!!! The advantage of that bench seat is you can stretch out on it and take a nap when the fish aren't biting! Looking forward to the warm reports in that frigid weather Bubba!!!
  14. Yeah right! Not saying where is understandable and acceptable, not saying what is what an does! I notice you don't mind saying what... especially when it's minnows that you sell at your store. From what I've read about the Koppers lures tells me: Appealing to the eye (fishermans), high dollar, and having to tune out of the box says these lures were mainly designed to catch fishermen first and fish second!!! ... might as well buy a Reef Runner for a fraction of the cost!... now there's a proven fish catcher!!!
  15. I knew it!!!... listening to too much Alice Cooper has fried your brain! Boy Scouts motto: Always be prepared! U.S Marine Corps. Adapt, improvise, and overcome! If there's anything else you need to know just give me a holler.
  16. You got a problem with that Bubba? Have you been hacking my puter??? Sometimes it's the only way some of us know what's wrong with us!!!
  17. Having snow is what y'all are famous for, it's your heritage!!! You should be worshipping the little white flakes of notoriety... not batching aboot them!!! Give thanks!
  18. Inoperable yer Dis: plus dis: = cured!!! Dr. Dawg will be waiting for you at Lakair Bubba!!! GET WELL SOON, OR ELSE!!!
  19. I like the way some of the folks here are coming out now and swearing by them, but during the softwater season you never heard a word about them... everything else but! I'm sure if these lures were as good as some claim they are, we'd have heard more about them in their reports this past spring, summer, and fall. Just an observation of mine.
  20. Y'all are Canadian ... get used to it already!!!
  21. ... and you suggest I should lay off the "shine"... reeeeeeeally?
  22. Do you know how to "do" an actual fishing report Brian? *smirk*
  23. Goodness gracious!!! Snow in Canada?... in the winter?... who'd have ever have guessed?!
  24. Disconnect your battery cables, this will reboot your computer to the default settings when you connect the cables back... but wait a couple of minutes before reconnecting the cables back
  25. Maybe one of the mods will read this and address the problem, after all... they're losing clicks and posts due to this problem!
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