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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You can have my share of the fried Carp (I think)... but could you please pass the cabbage rolls!!!... ooops! I didn't mean to take that many!... are you going to finish that cabbage roll???
  2. You and Miss Barbara ain't Coonasses!!! Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a nice plate of Faggots and Haggis?
  3. DANG!!! ... I hope alcohol wasn't involved with this little mishap!
  4. Everybody believes in something! ... I believe I'll have another RUM!!! WWRD
  5. I feel that ones faith should be private and kept to themselves... I don't need to be "saved", converted, or imbued in others religious beliefs!!! Some Christians can be the most obnoxious of all faiths, that's why they get knocked on!... remember the hari krishna's of yesteryear, did you appreciate them trying to push their religion on you? Ok, with all that said... let me explain to you why Scientology is important to me!!!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjppLe4v2yY...feature=related
  7. I have a great visual image of you playin' the mandolin to that one Billy Bubba!!! I also have a visual image of you vocalizing to this one and it makes me chuckle!!!
  8. I hate cabbage worshippers!!! I prefer to worship the almighty Rutabaga instead!!! ... there is only ONE Rutabaga!!! PTR!!!
  9. I neither condone nor condemn this type of behavior... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jixx8Gnh7ck
  10. Does this mean it isn't +17*C at 8:21 p.m. up there like it is here?
  11. My experience with Diawa spinng reels has taught me to buy Shimano!!!
  12. Good idea about the *adult warning*... it's a sure way to get all the kiddies to take a peek eh!
  13. Yeah, and with a million candle power spotlight in my hand so I can see what I'm going to NOT run into!!!
  14. Here's one by a Canadian group I'm sure you will all enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLMkV7VyPns
  15. My birth date is in my profile forrest.... I've seen this on several different shows, they bank on people not remembering after their mind has been polluted with the fishing propaganda that supports these shows. Make a mental note of the attire the next time you watch any fishin' show.
  16. ... but how do they go from a blue shirt and khaki pants before the commercial and green shirt and blue jeans after the commercial... do they change in the boat???
  17. HA! I knew I could get a rise out of you Urby!!! ... so when are we going to see the "We got Skunked" show???
  18. A huge thanks to Cliff for doing such an excellent job on the tourney!!! As for Team Extreme... meh, we'll getcha next year!!! Just funnin'! Congrats to Team Extreme and all the teams for a job well done!!! I'd also like to thank all members of the Sabiki Slammers, and especially TroutandMuskyHunter, JWL, Jigger, and Bitsmith2k for being diligent with their entries and OFAH tasks!!!
  19. Could a guide and editing 80 hrs of fishing into a 20 minute show have anything to do with it?
  20. People that hate inanimate objects... which is kinda screwed up because I have to hate myself!
  21. Absolute idiocy!!!
  22. Remember the 80's? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iFN_pvUi_A...feature=related
  23. wiggle wiggle, jiggle jiggle
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