I remember some folks going ga-ga over them back in the spring, but haven't heard much about them since... maybe one or 2 reports of some folks catching fish with them earlier in the year, but nothing since.
If they don't run true out of the box like Singingdog says, they aren't worth the money IMO.
You'll have to excuse Mr. Hole, Jacques... it seems his ergonomically shaped snow shovel got away from him and he ran head first into a snowbank while chasing it , kinda explains the hair-do ... and his glasses got so cold they turned blue!!!
Brain frostbite doncha yanno.
Great report and pics Jacques!!!
It looks pretty doggone cold out there too!
I bet Paul won't be lipping anymore Pike real soon eh ... tell him Wall-ices got teeth too!
Yes I have!... on a trail, but not on a lake... and it was a blast!!!
I don't care how fast you're going, if you run out of ice or the ice is too thin... glub, glub,glub.
Y'all be careful out there now ya heah?
Did you even watch the vid in my initial post to this thread???
It made me cringe, and I don't even own a snowmobile nor do we have ice!
I can hear me now..."I tried to tell 'im!"
What the heck is all that white stuff all over the place Jacques??? ... did y'all have a volcano go off some place close by, and that's the fallout ash???... looks nasty!!!
My goodness that's downright chilly Simon!!!
It's pretty cold here right now too... sitting by the open window and it's 53*F, but the sunshine is nice and warm!!!
... I'm all bundled up in a flannel long sleeve shirt with the cuffs rolled up past my elbows, I've got a huge pot of chili cookin' on the stove because it's going down to 27*F tonight!
The Moon will be at it's closest to earth tonight for the year, and should make for some good viewing and photo opportunities!
Yup!... but how can anything that produces such a foul smell... look and taste soooooo darn good?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... poop'lins!!!
Edited to say: I typed in the word C h i t ' l i n s... but it came out poop'lins, same thing I reckon!