6 3/4 lbs. (with a 2 oz. bottom bouncer stuffed up his butt!)
Very hard fighting fish and nearly impossible to land!!!
I had to fight this one for 10 days before I could tire him out enough to land him!!!
Yeah, but regularly could be as seldom as once a century if we're talkin' milleniums! (just as short time nfor you bubba roy...)
It's just seems like there'd be more than 2-3% of the members online at peak times to me though though.
We've only had them for aboot 10 yrs. now down here in 'Bama... it's printed on the back of our drivers license, so if you drove to the lake... you have your boating license with you!
Don't want to rain on your parade Bossman, but 83 members online is only slightly more than 2 %... how can we get more members online at one time?
... maybe it's time to clean out the dead files?
That's the problem with buying anything used, most of the time you're just buying someone elses problems!
I can't say for sure, but I think the person that sold you this machine knew it needed work and that's why the price was good. If something sounds too good to be true or seems like a great bargain... hold onto your
Like Bernie said, It's better to have a mechanic check something like this before you buy it. Had you told the seller you wanted to have it checkedout before you bought it he might have fessed up. If he really didn't know, and it needed this work... it may have given you bargaining power for a lower price.
Have fun fishin' today and I hope ya catch bunches!!!
That there looks right nice!!! ... lot's of those Redneck boys drink the Dew, and whine like babies when they gotta pee out the kidney stones it gives them!
I just looked at the weather and it looks pretty nasty for the upper midwest and northeast, heavy snow and ice. Looks like a good day for a hot cup of coffee and some hook sharpening!
I suspect it's going to be a Honey Baked Ham, greenbean casserole, simmered yellow squash, sweet potatoes, and spiced apples.
Nothing real lavish... pretty tame actually, but I'll take it any day of the week!!!