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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Hey gang, hope you all are having a great summer. I posted earlier this year about a trip to the east coast and a couple of suggestions were made to ditch the east coast idea and try out some Ontario fishing. So my friends and I have decided to hit the Nipigon River late August Which we are all super pumped about. We have been doing some research here and there, having a day off today I figured I'll spend a few hours doing as much reading as I can, and damn, so far what I've seen off google, I cannot wait for August to come. What I am asking here is if anyone has any tips, places to start, scenic places to check out ( non fishing ). We have access to a boat which we will be hauling up with us ( looking for safer places to boat, no dare devil stunts here ) so any tips on where to go are welcome. Our main focus would be brook trout, and other trout/salmon species if they are runnng during that time. We may take a break and do some walleye fishing for a day. We are open to suggestions, your experience will help us out and if you're in the area, we will gladly have you aboard for a day of fishing. Report coming, 100%.
  2. Check the reg's, targeting OOS bass is illegal Great video, thanks for the laugh.
  3. Ya, depending on the size 40 - 50 bucks for sure.
  4. Low grade koi, you will be lucky to get 150 bucks for it. Fishing at Wonderland?
  5. Dude, congratulations on that catch of a life time, great photos and great report
  6. Also, they ask at the gates and all, but hey, let someone know EXACTLY where you are going and the route you are taking. You can PM me the exact location if you wish I think this is very important. I know you dont think things can go wrong, but they can.
  7. Ya, some sorta powder mix drink is essential, when I was younger we went on a canoe trip and there was a spawn happening, the damn water tasted of fish, without the Tang it was hard to drink. Also, keep your car keys in something that floats ( or in a zippered pocket on you ), would hate trying to retreive your car keys from the bottom of a lake if your canoe tipped. This was from last weeekend, happy hunting!
  8. Long weekend in May? Bring a bug net, for your face.
  9. Lack of respect, lack of education, fishing for food, lack of enforcement, they dont care about you and what you stand for...
  10. Morels have a very high price on them per pound, wet... they are hghly sought after and amazng to eat from what I hear... I never knew about them until last years "Bumper Harvest" post. ATV-ing up north and I stumbled on a lot of them... picked them, turns out they were false morels... be sure what you are eating folks. Even honey mushrooms can cause temporary sickness. Oh, and if anyone finds a red mushroom with white dots all over it, similar to the one from Super Mario, PM me. 1 UP!
  11. PIG
  12. Bunk, thank you for takng the time to write up the report. No need for the pictures
  13. Wow, thats an eye opener for sure, scary scene.
  14. Big up the product to sell. Kinda cheatin'... like cutting the grass to make the tree look bigger.
  15. Kid makes it look bgger than it actually is, extended arms and all.
  16. Well, I've been going to this cool park on Sturgeon for the last ~8 years, before there was no problems, no tent over night signs everywhere but OPP never cared, fishing was awesome years ago, etc. Now, you better show up at 5 pm to get an evening bite spot on the limited amount of shorelne there is, you can't tent anymore, and theres ALWAYS people there... thanks to the internet? Maybe... maybe not. Forget fishing the falls. Same goes for this bridge spot in the area, want to see 24 inch ski's on a stringer? Point is, Sturgeon is crap
  17. Sturgeon sucks for crappie anyways.
  18. Not sure they will want to strike soon ;)

  19. Nice and slow, no jerking of the wheel, making 2 - 3 inch adjustments on the wheel over a longer run makes for a more comfortable ride, those short, hard to get to, turn the trailer on a dime type deals, ugh!
  20. Awesome, can we try to let this one settle itself?
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