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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. As few members have mentioned, the degradation of habitat, over fishing and pressure from other species have great effects on brookies... Perch vs. brookies - can cohabitate as long as the larger brookies are keeping the perch population under control. If that balance is disrupted by the removal of large dominant brookies, the brookie population will collapse because the perch will overpopulate quickly ( quick maturing, prolific breeder vs. brookies ). Decreased number of dominant, big brookies = increased perch numbers which leads to the competitive exclusion of young brookies. Smallies vs. brookies - competition for same resources and something to do with spawning ( especially with lake populations ). Because brookies can only spawn in areas where ground water seeps from the ground there is high competition for these spots. Bass can spawn anywhere therefore once a population is established, they outcompete the brookies for resources. I hope I remember that correctly.
  2. I bet if the situation looked worse you would of screeched the tires to a halt and sprung into action - don't beat yourself up for it. A small brake fire, not much you could of helped with anyways, like you say, you would of most likely just got in the way. Have a beer brotha
  3. Just a heads up - park isn't issuing back country permits until May 8 due to thick ice
  4. You care a lot for your dog - lucky little bugger. He'll be fine tomorrow, same way it played out the previous times. You say he looks doped up, every time I'm doped up I'm having a hell of a good time - Ralphies probably feeling the same right now
  5. Exactly this - they push medicine to fill their pockets. Rabies shots for my dog only otherwise my vet wont allow her in his office - lucky for us he isn't one to push all these vaccines on people. We have raccoons, foxes and yotes runnin' through our yard, our dogs always lived healthy, long lives ( we cook for our dogs and offer a varied diet, alongside their daily intake of frozen poopsicles ).
  6. How do you get them to win? Stop watching them and going to the games - Rogers and Bell will be quick to make the worlds greatest team happen in no time
  7. Yup, but all that can be done from the marked trails, fishing cannot. Current rules say you are only allowed to stick to marked trails but no one can enforce them. This switch to a national park is bad news for the parks users if you ask me - thankfully they wont be charging us entrance fees
  8. With the area becoming a National Park soon means they will have new, ENFORCED rules. I spent an afternoon with a staff member and she explained to me that rules such as venturing off marked trails will be punishable - they are trying to protect the area from human impact ( a small walking path a foot wide in the forest is considered to be harmful ), the spread of invasives and trying to keep it pristine - Rouge is host to a handful of rare species and its a major turtle producing factory. So what that translates into is no walking alongside the river. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-s-rouge-park-may-become-canada-s-first-national-urban-park-1.2207564
  9. Whoa, never realized its that expensive!!!!!!!!!!!! Artwork price just went up from 1300 to 3300! LOL
  10. I want to see the finished product - whatever you end up doing to it
  11. Fetus is sick and twisted and some will pay for sick and twisted - kijiji Toronto is your best friend if you are going to sell. The Atlas idea is great too - a wrought iron mangled, warped, twisted globe sitting on top of that can make an artistic statement saying how disfigured and beat up the world is.... $1300 o.b.o.
  12. Wow - looks like a fetus or something along those lines... dude, you've got yourself quite the piece. I see dollars written all over that
  13. You boys must be from out of town
  14. That's ignorant - costumes? Really?
  15. Oh boy... this again...
  16. Bark Lake is about 30 minutes east of there. I'm sure there are lakes closer with launches however I do suspect that the launches will be unmaintained "bush" launches so be prepared to get your feet wet. Best of luck - maybe speak to a local at the local watering hole?
  17. Simply amazing
  18. Tuesday night - usually spilling over into Wednesday
  19. In a situation like this with coworkers spraying water/extinguishers not being effective... would physically attacking the bear help or is that adding fuel to the fire?
  20. We weren't chasing it but it was running away from us while we drove behind behind it.
  21. Fishermen are happy and the birders are pissed!
  22. lookinforwalleye - lotta people are disappointed in the system. Lotta stories will be told and lots to be revealed... I hope this doesn't get locked because people start fighting...
  23. Although we have it better than a lot this is a crap system. People die because they have to wait, older people receive less care because they prioritize younger patients, there are other ways of dealing with certain procedures/operations that we don't do here in Canada. Uncle needed to have a growth removed and there was a specific, unobtrusive way of doing it. No one in Ontario does it this way, or something along the lines of we use the easier method, which leave nasty scarring on the neck. Ended up going to the States and shelling out good dollars outta his own pocket to get it done neatly. Its not the best system but its hard to get this perfect and we actually don't have it too bad here. 4 hour waits are the least of our concerns! If you want good service better show up to the hospital with $5,000 ( even more depending on the severity of your situation ) cash in your pocket and start greasing.
  24. Nothing a couple bottles of wine won't fix.
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