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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Ahhhh, its late... and I'm tired, natural reproduction is producing a good amount of fish, disregard the last post
  2. Start hatching and stocking salmon food, let the salmon be able to grow to 80+ pound fish From what I'm reading they may have over stocked and because they are using "natural feedback loops" such as salmon growth and size , the decrease in growth rate and size they already know about has them alarmed so they are reducing the amount of stocked fish?
  3. Your uncle fished out all the fish.
  4. I want to add that this was drifting a river.
  5. Well, we would just float the worm harness under a float and every 5 - 10 feet it would drift, we would lift up rods to pull the float up and in doing so, would lift the worm harness up engaging the little spinner baits, not sure if I'm explaining this well, I'm exhausted right now. Only reason we had it under the float is because after loosing 200+ bucks worth of lures, the float prevented 'em from hitting the bottom and snagging up on stumps and rocks. The fish absolutely LOVED the flash of hardware.
  6. A few months back I posted a few questions about a trip to head out to Gaspe for Atlantics, getting the real scoop about the fish out there we opted out. There were a few members who recommended Nipigon for Brookies. I'm glad we decided to head out. Special thanks to DundasSteelHeader from this forum for answering the many questions I had. We will be back Nipigon. Most of the brookies came on float fishing tiny worm harness with 2 - 3 blades and raising the float up every 5 feet in the drift to get the blades spinning. Thanks again OFC
  7. Reports are saying they are out
  8. Darren Maskell.
  9. Yikes, theres been a fire ban for quite sometime around there. We are situated 1 hour south from there, had the police and fire fighters drive up to the cottage a couple weeks back because someone reported a campfire. Pray for rain, water levels are lowest I've seen in years, the grass is dead, the well is running very low, plants are starving for water. Its been a very hard summer... Hopefully these thunderstorms bring lots of rain, we need it
  10. Yes, the barb is in there.
  11. Its worth that much because theres another dude willing to pay that. Its still actually called BlueFin Tuna and Fugu Puffer, hell, if you can sell a lower grade tuna for a higher grade price, that would be exatly what we are talking about here, although that isn't the OP's question. Eat the smaller fish, remove fat and dont eat those black seenook salmons that run into our creeks.
  12. I wonder... when I hear restaurants buy sheephead for 2.5/lb, and carp for whatever price, I would bet 90% of us here wouldn't be able to distinguish between all the different shades of white on cooked fish, especially when there are no scales. Enjoy your buffet fish
  13. This is exactly what its all about... a journey into our Ontario forests, exploring the area, not knowing what to expect or discover with a few good buds. Thanks for this report
  14. Awesome, I admire your push for educating little ones about our fish, the environment and conservation
  15. Terry is the man, back off.
  16. Tails always get ripped off. I haven't found any difference between having the tail on or off. My hula's have a white butt end No tail.
  17. That store always had some nice exotics, once I asked them if they get snakeheads, and was told " they sometimes come accidentally"
  18. You did better on your trip than I did in my last 4 years Any crazy mustache photo's we haven't seen? Nice to see ya around.
  20. "I'll stop right err the middle of the day and pull a maintenance, I've seen people doin' it, walking around all day, haha, NOT ME! I could be visitin' the pope, ahuh, I'ma take 5! I'll be right back"
  21. Keep 'em coming, ya the search feature on this site is yeilding a lot of information Thanks for the PM's gentlefolk
  22. Thats what this forum s all about Nice of you to offer a seat, best of luck guys.
  23. Sure now, I see that on the map... so 11 west out of Thunder Bay, or east out of Nipigon.
  24. 17, hugging the shoreline. Options are open, willing to travel from Nipigon on 11 east or west up to 200 km to check things out.
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