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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Great day of fishing!
  2. Those smallies have freckles! Nice fish for sure!
  3. Wow, thankfully it was just that... coulda been a lot worse... What did impact feel like?
  4. ...is that a photo of your bait? Perch is illegal to use as bait! Haha, I'm just playing around You did and didn't get skunked
  5. Talk to him Simple as that and don't be intimidated. Simple as "Hey man, look I don't wanna be a loser, but my wife keeps complaining about you guys parking here. I told her I'll take care of it... blahblah blah" If all else fails, we'll have a OFC G@G at your place on a weekend and we'll all front him and his buddies with baseball bats, 'cause we are a community and we help each other out
  6. Depends on various things. I would fight back, and even go to the extent to make sure he gets a beat down that he will remember for the rest of his life ( to make sure no future problems arise ). That is if I know the person. I've learned my lesson not to fightback against people you don't know, I just leave it be. Plus who cares what some random thinks of your anyways, whether you're a wussy or can tear him into two. I personally don't instiagte, not any more at least. Alcohol, a.k.a liquid courage, has a big influence on the above two statements. Know your enemy
  7. Great report and great read.
  8. Bring a camera and take lots of pictures. Its wild up there.
  9. Eh, old russian guys are the best fishermen anyways, they don't waste any time
  10. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3ddf512747 They should make it moreinteresting nd use shotguns...
  11. There is something terribly wrong with this harvest... lol Farm?
  12. Hijack in 3, 2, 1... hahaha! Great report man! Nice laker! My dad... lol... Yeah and family of6 doesnt' mean he's got 4 kids, he may have 5 wives and no kids
  13. He blinks at 3:07. Inoticed that at first too... great video!
  14. The first time I saw this is was blown away. Think about that little buffalo... think you had a bad day?
  15. BEEEEEEE-autiful!
  16. Oh and I didn't mean to hijack the thread man, just offering some information to the gang.
  17. Williamson spoon (half gold and half silver) with pearl twitching it off the bottom of 83 feet he tells me. Go get'em you crazy ice fisher's! Oh, and he was there from 10:00 to 1:00 and bite stopped.
  18. Ya no kidding! Well, both my father and his frend came home with 3 fish each, decent size. Lost a few more... gonna ask him what he used and stuff like that.
  19. I'mnot an ice fishing guy, but my dad set out to one of his white fish spots today near BBP, they caught lots of fish. Some guy sitting next to them told them he lost over 20 fish.
  20. How about that big dirty speedboat named "Statement", asking price $897,000... Roll into your favourite perch hole in style!
  21. I can't stop laughing, I bet it was a good idea at the time.
  22. ... all they are missing is a trolling motor... Great photo!
  23. No harm done to the fish I bet. Every animals skull is designed to take a beating. Look, good for you posting this. I bet there are people who viewed this thread and learned something.
  24. Make his wife go "missing". ...or kidnap your friend.
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