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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Buckhorn, Sturgeon, Scugog... uhhhh...
  2. Oh yas, and if I'm targeting lakers, what should I be doing and what depths should I be fishing? Never fished for 'em before.
  3. Well, I'll still bring my gear. We do have access to a canoe, I'm sure some water will be open somewhere... makes for an adventure Thanks for the input guys
  4. Heading up highway 400 around Parry Sound this weekend and wanna know what the conditions of the water is, I hope there isn't any ice up there. Anyone have any information for me as to what to fish for at this time of year? I'm no good with Canadian Sheild lakes... Thanks for the tips
  5. efka, dude, you forgot to blur out the backgrounds!
  6. Niagra River, Grand River, Lake Eerie Lake Ontario! LOL! Welcome aboard, show us some pictures!
  7. Hmmm, are there any OFC shirts floating 'round the net for sale? I'd sport one or two... something funny with the OFC link on it... Like, the evolution of a fisherman, you know, that monkey to man evolution diagrams... well, have some mokey, then go to cave man with a stick and line, then go to that photo that AdddiktedtoFishing ( or however you spell his name ) in his avatar... just an example... Anyone feelin' deez vibes?
  8. Wowzers! Nice fish solo, you're the man! When you writing a book? Can I buy a copy?
  9. I bet he lived like a king. Sorry to hear about your loss, loosing a dog is like loosing a family member, in my opinion. ...and that part about coming home and being greeted by him, thats heavy man, I feel the same way about that...
  10. ...mmmmm, i'm oozing with information now... the days that I don't catch fish are the ones of most concern... Sweet, well, I'll see you all again on Thursday morning! If you hear lots of coughing, come over and say hi
  11. Wow, lots of information, again! Slowing down presentation with bigger bobbers, slow moving water ( the guy who actually produced the fish was fishing slower water in this one very specific spot which was no longer than 10 feet ), there is other information I have been "informed" of about a certain place to be targetting, seems that the two guys with high end reels were fishing these spots, both produced, so they say. But I'ma test that out myself before I open up my mouth Well, another day in the "trout log". Blown, cloudy day, previous days of heavy rain and ice melting, pinks and big roe bags... what was the temperature, gotta get myself a thermo... I did see three dudes around 1 on Wilmot that looked familiar, one guy sat down and started spinning some roe bags on a log Kemper, look out for a goofy guy, that'll prolly be me, come by and say hello. I need to be your friend so you can tell me all your secrets! Interesting, bahaha! Thanks for your input, everyone
  12. The water was really high, fast and real dirty. Lots of people fishing. Guys using mostly pink worms and "average" sized roe bags. Guy next to us produced a fish with a small green roe bag ( I spy on peoples stuff, lol ) but apart from that, it was the only legal fish for the day that we saw ( only legal catch, my buddy snagged into a big 10 pounder and so did the guys around us ). I was using huge honkin' green bags and had one hit, most my eggs were peirced. The general word from other people was that the water "is to dirty" and the other half say the water "was to fast". Its all a mystery for me still. Just gotta keep at it. Any input on water to dirty/to fast? Would the rivers being blown/ really turbid just stress out the fish that it becomes lethargic?
  13. Out of at LEAST the 20 different people I saw on Wilmot this morning, how many were OFC'ers? Just curious.
  14. I can breathe again!
  15. Quit complaining, you're 3/4 of the way through winter! But yea for sure, bring on summer!
  16. Dude, no word of a lie here man, I can get my partner to tell you the same thing I'm about to type. Today, I was watching all these guys fishin' right. Most were using the typical size roebag. No one was producing, so I figured, since no ones pulling out jack, I'll use two roebags instead of one, try making it larger and beefier, you know just to try to peice together this trout puzzle. I kept telling him that "shes ( as in the river ) telling me lots of things", I mean, I didn't catch anything, but I had an idea about the depths and such, it's all just observing. Oh man, I can't wait for this season! I remember 3-4 years ago, seeing guys float fishing, I'd take a 7 foot medium rod, slap a heavy wooden bobber on it, no idea about anything and I'd put in like 30 hours into it with one fish on the line, hot summer days spent with noobies who knew nothing about it and were doing the same thing I was. Last year started up again and near the end of the season I feel like that I've advanced so far. Still got lots to learn, though.
  17. ...now I'm trying to figure out the food trout win a stream would eat at this time of year, and every other time of the year.
  18. Well, as you can see from my post I am still such a noobie. I appreciate your very informative post Each trip my experience level increases, its like a video game. I'm always observant and curious so fishing really gets me thinking, even though nearly all my friends think its the most boring thing around Thanks Bill.
  19. So, I've used the search function, its been an hour and I've learned so much about different lines, fishing techniques and went through about 5 reports. An hour later and I remembered what I was originally trying to figure out, haha! Anyways, will braided line form ice at a quicker rate than mono? I was thinking it would 'cause it would "hold" water more than mono... thats just a guess... Maybe its me but it seemed today while on the river in -16 degrees that my rod tip was freezing quicker than my buddies ( same rod ). Yarrrrr.
  20. Well, from my limited knowledge with steelheading I can tell you just about everything works. I've used braided line, heavy mono, and light mono. I haven't used one of those float reel pin deals, although I own one and we'll see how I like it during spring. With the spinning reel I find you gotta work the reel more in terms of letting line out yourself off the spool ( but not to much as you gotta keep it somewhat taut while letting it run with the flow ) , being ready to clamp down the bale when a fish strikes ( or set the hook by grabbing a hold of your line, then closing your bale ), etc. I like the drag part of it, takes a bit of work out for ya. Have you seen what a centerpin looks like in action? Basically the current pulls out line from your reel, you keep your finger near it that once your boober sinks you press your finger down and set the hook. Once the fish is on, you adjust "drag" ( now I put it in quotations 'cause , well I'm not sure how to explain it, but yeah ) with your finger. There is a drag mechanism on the reel itself but used to protect the line from being pulled out by the current or soemthing like that. This is what I've gathered from observing my friend using his pin. I'm sure its easy to get used to the finger method, not after your loose a fish, or three. Again, this is coming from a dude whos NEVER used a pin, lol. Go figure? Anyways, I ghope I gave you some insight on this
  21. Mepps, jig and white grub, and a Jitterbug or SkitterPop.
  22. Forgot to mention. Find structure. Jetty's ( rock piles that calm the water down ) are hot spots, lots of life around them, there is a stupid amount of life right up between the rocks, careful where you step. Peirs are great as well, boat docks, etc.
  23. THis is what I've gathered in the few times I've been fishing saltwater. Off the beach - HEAVY sinker with a two hooks, both with stinky bait, walk out as far as you can and then cast if your beach cast doesn't produce. Off a peir - same setup works well. Depending on what you wanna catch makes a difference too. If your looking for shark, catch some fish, split them into two, make sure you have a heavy leader, heavy line and one big ass hook. The bloodier the fish the better, re-bait accordingly. Also, make sure you try different techniques ( duh! ). Different depths, small hooks, different bait, etc. Lots of small fish, don't think that since its saltwater the fish are always larger. Careful handling what you catch. If you dont know what it is and how to handle it, don't pick it up! Stingrays, have giant barbs they can use, obviously, best thing for that is to turn it on its back and step on the tail end. Beleive me though, a 30 pounder stingray has LOTS of energy, so be careful. If you're planning on eating it, just cut the tail off and remove the barb just to see what Im' talking about. Pretty neat stuff. If your fishing laguna's, bays, etc. with lots of rocks using stickbaits and jigs, work them fast during the day. I use those cheap Storm jigs, problem is, those toothy punks rip them apart. Ask around! Talk with people, thats my biggest thing I tell everyone. You're at a place where your time is limited, why figure it out when you can have someone tell you. THIS IS HUGE! Crab fishing is cool too. Get some string, attach a peice of chicken leg, you'll feel tap tap tap... SLOWLY pull the string until the crab is near the surface but DONT pull it out. Net 'em out. In terms of bringing your own gear its not a problem! A PVC tube, capped on both ends works well. Check it with your luggage and make sure they put it in fragile. Doesn't cost extra of anything although Uniteed Airways sometimes likes to charge for all luggage ... oh, and don't forget your camera!
  24. Wow, that fast?!!? Yikes! I wish fish took my bait at this rate
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