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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. First day out my boss took me to see if I was any good. Broke about 150 bucks worth of equipment. I thaught I was out Still have the job.
  2. Deep Wooden Project by Leechman.
  3. Looks like an ice scraper for your car, and yes, paint it pink. Does it have a name?
  4. Spectacular!
  5. That is a dope hang out! I especially like the flame job on that trout?
  6. Ahhhhh, Well it is winter so things are very slow right now. Hopefully there is a heater in there or an areator keeping a hole open for proper gas exchange. I don't even know where to start, I myself have a pond, built over 15 of them so fire away any questions.
  7. The answer is a rose.
  8. Wow, that happened really fast
  9. Allright, Well, I would not like to see my beloved creek go to the crapper because of disrepectful fishermen throwing away their garbage where ever they please. I always make it an effort to carry around with me a ziploc bag where my cigarette butts get thrown in ( when I used to smoke ), roe bag clippings, cut line, etc. After the treacherous salmon run, I was picked up so much crap that my ziploc filled from just cleaning my favourite fishing hole! I even scored 50 yards of what looks to be 100 lb test red braided line with a treble hook to boot! Last night I got the idea of organizing a day this spring for a cleanup of the lower stretch of the river. My idea is simple and I really hope I could get some back up, I dont have a problem doing it myself either. One day in Spring, once the snow melts, anyone who is interested to head to the creek, meet up, slam some steelies and for an hour, grab a garbage bag and walk up and down the creek, collecting other peoples garbage. I will then take the garbage and dispose of it into Oshawa Creek, providing that river system its needed garabage in take. All jokes aside, I will dispose of the trash at my house. I was also thinking of setting up a garbage bin with a bag right at the CN rail with a sign saying something or rather and it would be up to me to clean it out once a week. Then once everything is over, the bin comes home. This idea may not be the greatest because of rain, drunk idiots lighting it on fire, I might get in trouble for illegal dumping or something else so ridiculously stupid. Whether it works or not I dont know, but I am willing to make an effort to try to get something going to preserve the amazing fishery Wilmot Creek offers. Any input? Thaughts? Ideas? Yay? Nay? A fall clean up "bonanza extraveganza" would be put into place as well.
  10. I was at Wilmot the second day of rain... a good 5 feet above average... wouldn't surprise me to find beached fish...
  11. I googled this... ... and found this ... http://www.casablancalodge.com/
  12. ...using the marshmellow as a float? Try it out, put it on a jig. In my opinion, stick with row, jigs and flies.
  14. Climb the motor?
  15. Although it would be bad for the fish, it would definitley e a sweet addition to a fish tank
  16. ... how many is 2 Brazilian people?
  17. Eh, maybe it wasn't whitefish, it was in a thread last week... ya, wouldn't be whitefish now could it... Its 3:30 in the afternoon... its still early
  18. I'm sure over the years it wouldn't make your rod limp. ...as for catching fish, I heard and read about how it nicotine can affect fish ( especially rainbow trout ) but then again we find white fish with butts in their stomachs...
  19. You really have a beautiful oppurtunity. I would love to be in your position trying to crack the code these fish are following through out the season. I love that. You will figure out, I'm sure of it.
  20. I will be heading off to Quebec City for a few days inearly February. I will be going through google to find out what and where, however I figured I'd ask the expersts. At this time of year, what should I be doing / going to catch any fish? Thanks for the input.
  21. I've said it efore and I'll say it again... French River Provincial Park... just north of Moon River... canoe through the "figure 8" and head out onto GBay... spectacular!
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