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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. A Northlands buckshot spoon. I always ahve very good luck with them. It caught both and outfished minnows that day.
  2. A late perch report from last Wednesday. Headed out of Gilford last wednesday to enjoy some warm weather perching. Went outside of the pack and kept moving around in 20 to 25 feet of water. Everywhere we went we caught dinks. Managed 70-80 fish with only 5 keepers!!!! Joe enjoying the sun. The only good perch.. plus my first simcoe Herring. Of course promptly released. The herring I have heard reports of more herring being caught. Hopefully they are coming back! Going to head out later this week and hopefully get into some better fish.
  3. Its been 5 months....you have to stick it in the drawer and then go to the menu and find the map in the drop down menu. Just cant rememeber what it is under now.
  4. I don't but my buddie has named one of my combo's. I am sure I will offend someone but he has called it God's *****, because its more sensitive then God's *****. I sure hope God's a guy otherwise he is in trouble!!!
  5. I am thinking of it...havent done it in years since I lived in Belleville. Maybe my daughter and I will go after the pike category.
  6. I have found the shimano's built to last better then other reels. The Symetry is probably the best bang for the buck.....I have 5!
  7. In the bays of Lake Superior they catch kings thru the ice....must be nuts on the drag!
  8. Might want to look for something on the Ottawa, if so don't forget the cats!!
  9. This is the one that CANNOT be right Perch, yellow 4-3 Bordentown, NJ May, 1865 Dr. C.C. Abbot If I am right there has only been a handful above 3 let alone 4 and they have all been from the Great Lakes. This one I have always felt smelled "fishy" Oh and Walleye has been DQ'ed and now is 22.9 from Greers Ferry Arkansa
  10. Thanks for the heads up!
  11. Could have been a herring , a few years a go my wife caught a huge blue back at 3 lbs. I got a 12 incher yesterdsay on Cook's bay. Report and pictures to follow
  12. We are only here for a small time... be careful.
  13. Hello there! lots of good people here and lots of info!
  14. Upper Credit was still 60% ice covered 3 hours ago but looked like it was about to pop. Too bad it is supposed to get cold again.
  15. Spool up your new spinning gear and save your money up. Here is a lake that has NEVER seen a lure!!! Imagine being the first person tocast for fish here!!! http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2007-026
  16. Thats a great report! Thanks for taking the time to share...... I'm jealous!!!
  17. I was a bad boy and picked up a Curado and a Symetry as well as a new tackle bag and a bunch of soft and hard baits. The one thing I am looking forward to trying is a lucky strike cranckbait that was 40% off. I just can't make myself spend 25 dollars on a crankbait.
  18. If not included get a nice 24 volt trolling motor. Buy good batteries. Try getting a RAM mount for your depthfinder, you will find it really handy. A spare tire on your trailer. I have a sirius satelite radio in mine and its awesome.
  19. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Awesome!
  21. I feed them and have had a Mockingbird hang out all year. I fed them after I saw him hoping to help him make it thru the winter. They usually don't eat seeds but insects. He was there this morning so I think he is going to make it. Also I have a pair of cardinals that always nest in the back.
  22. It is painfully cold out there. Warmest december and coldest February = Average! Hopefully its blowing itself out this week and we can see some spring like weather soon. The lake looks like its boiling this morning.
  23. God I HATE March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. "Hit was late AND Kaberle shouldn't have been admiring his pass" That pretty well sums it up!!!
  25. That thing is awesome! Has to be mid to upper fifties if not pushing the elusive 60lb mark. Probably was if she was full of spawn at that time. Looks like a French river fish from the markings.
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