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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Morning Lew. Haven't been to bed yet. Lets hope the next year is better!
  2. Not the greatest xmas. Spent the night in emergency because the glass I was holding shattered and cut an artery and nerve in my middle finger. Just got back at 5 am to read that James Brown has died. World is a lesser place now.... Went to see him last year at Rama and he was still the MAN!!!
  3. Fishindevil.. Ill be towing my Mr Pike behind it next year. Since I bought my lund last year I was afraid to take it any distance because my old truck had over 200000k on it. Now Ill be able to get to all the places I wanted to get to. I already have back to back trips planned for June...Lake Biscotaine and then a week In Lake Nipigon! Hey they even match colour!
  4. I was lucky enough to be invited to a box seat at the ACC last night for the Leafs vs Capital's game. I think the Leafs were giving a little too much good will to there fellow players as there wasn't a hit till the 3rd period. But on to the cool stuff. While taking the elevator up to the 4th floor this older gent gets on and stands next to me, I am thinking "Gee that guy looks just like Johnny Bauer" The elavator attendant then says... how you doing Mr Bauer. So I got to meet him on the way up. On the way down. I am standing and waiting for the elevator and I look beside me and Daryll Sittler is standing next to me! Said hello and got my father an autograph! 2 Hall of Famers in 2 elevator rides!! Must have been my lucky day!
  5. I finally got my new ride in. I was supposed to get it in the spring but my brother had his car totalled and needed wheels ASAP. So I asked my dealer to find me one in a hurry and he got it for me 4 months ahead of what it would have been. Still has to get the tow package and side bars installed next week but I have it now. Gave my Explorer to my brother.. Win Win !! Ill bring Squid down to the swill in it and see how much he likes it!
  6. Or also known as a Grunt!! Fun to catch , pull like a locomotive!
  7. The water plant never shutsdown! Fortunately I have Xmas day off. To sleep in. Have to work the rest of the week.
  8. Hmmmm nobody loves me........
  9. About time!!!!!! ;-)
  10. Has to be BADDER SANTA!!!!!!!!! What do you want for chrismas kid....a SNOT rag???????
  11. I am surprised at how many fisherman use the wrong rod with braid. Even on TV shows I see guys ripping hooks out with too stiff rods while fishing with braid. I have a couple fantastic St Croix rods but they are too stiff for braid. My best night walleye outfit is a old Gorilla rod and 14lb test Fireline. Super sensitive but with lots of softness in the rod. I am hoping Santa ordered me the soft Avid crankbait rod for use with braids for next year.
  12. He had the best reports. I have seen him on other boards.
  13. My buddie is a HVAC guy and when I approached him with the same question he said to get the best one you can afford but make sure it has a 2 stage fan in it. Most Mid furnaces don't have it. It doesnt matter what you have in your basement if it can't push the air to the top floor while its still hot or cool it wont matter what you have. Thats the problem with my unit. Bottom 2 floors are good and the bedroom is an oven in the summer.
  14. Since open water is almost over....except for another week or two in Quinte and the winter on the Niagara I figured it was time to start a thread were everyone posted pics of there best fish of the year. I was lucky to get 2 new personel bests this year. Muskie and Pike. Lets have a thread that blows away other fishing boards threads! So here goes with some photos. Pb Pike, never going to beat this one. A new PB Geo Bay Muskie....finally one stayed on!!! A nice 11.5lb quinte eye, not my personal best but still a good fish. Has been a very good year for the amount of times I got out.
  15. Great as always!
  16. We only have about 200 more points to be put on.......hehe
  17. I know it's been crazy busy with the new board going up and everyone asking a million questions about it but what is the status of the yearly tourney. Usually its announced at the Xmas swill. Only asking cuz i think my team won!!!!!!!!!
  18. If I remember right, one of the main things handcuffing the big three is that they pay as much to pensions as to current employees. Hard to compete when you are doing that. But when push comes to shove there main problem was building crap vehicles and changing models every 15 minutes (GM) Toyota and Honda build the same models with high quality and no retooling. I own both a ford and a honda and my civic is probably the best vehicle I have ever owned, simple and reliable. My explorer has been a great vehicle but I have ordered a FJ Cruiser for April delivery. Going to give Toyota a try.
  19. I spy Squid in the Burlington post tonight. Winner of the catch of the week from Jakes Boathouse with his muskie!
  20. Awesome as usual!!!!
  21. The water temperatures ranged from 39 in the shallows to 41 out past the ferry. We didnt mark much bait up in big bay but with reports coming from Belleville of fish being caught we knew they must now be spread out throughout the bay. Most fish were running deep down 40-70 in 80+ feet of water east of the ferry. We had our riggers but chose not to try for any eyes below 30ft since its an automatic keeper then. Still amazed at how many 10lb+ are being kept. God get a repro done its all most the same cost. Our crew kept two 6lbers for the table as that was the smallest we caught and I havn't kept an eye in a couple of years.
  22. The weather was awesome with sun and calm water unfortunatly the fishing was slow. Most of the bites we got were right at sunset and we still couldnt get any after dark which is very strange! Brett did manage a new PB with a 12lb even fish caught on a Manns stretch 20 in pearl. Due to boat traffic and slow fishing we decided to trailer the boats to Big Bay and hit some spots out there. Not alot of fish but a steady pick of large fish. Most caught on regular taildancers and shad raps. Blue and silver seemed to be the colour of choice this weekend. My best fish this weekend was a 10.7 lb fish picked up on a blue and silver shad rap off of a inline board. We did manage a double of 7.6 and 8.7 on Saturday. Saturday evening we blew 3 big fish in a row. All hooks pulling out. With the weather repoirt for the next 15 days it looks like that may be my last quinte trip, didnt beat my PB of 14lbs and 34 inches but there is always next year.
  23. I am heading down first thing in the morning for 3 days. Going to be doing some different tactics. Will report if it is successful.
  24. It's official....i'M ON CRACK!!!!! I swear it said buckail........going to have to put my aluminum foil hat back on and block those alien signals!!
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