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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Go check at BPro, they have the bigger Otter sleds, you can just about go canoeing in one.
  2. As long as the oil you want to use carries the same specs, ie, 10W30, SL, etc, there's no problem. Got to remember that Honda or Polaris and all the others don't make their own oil, they just go to any company that can meet their specs, place an order and wack their own stickers on the bottles.
  3. 12 foot springbok and I went out this morning early(still dark) from Gilford, walked out straight east until we hit a bunch of refrozen ice sheets, hmm, this doesn't look too good, right turn about 100 yards south and set up. A couple cranks on the manual auger found about 4-5 inches of good clear ice over 19 feet of water. The ice was constantly groaning and making all sorts of bubbly star wars sounds, never heard it like that before. A simple minnow hook and sinker was sent down and rewarded 12 foot with the first perch, I wasn't far behind, groping around in the dark for a minnow, set up the my F/F which immediately showed fish. The bite was pretty consistant, a mix of keepers and small ones that went back down the hole, just about any type of bait worked. By about 930 we had enough for a tasty feed, packed up and were homeward bound. If all goes well we'll try again tomorrow.
  4. I do believe that your cottage qualifies for the Home reno rebate program and looks like they may extend it, go check on the gov't site.
  5. Now the only issue with Innisfil, they have passed the $10 parking fee at Innisfil Beach Park, no idea how and when they are going to start to collect it. So, something to think about for the future when picking a place to hold a charity type event, I don't know if there's a way to circumvent this issue. I know from the last couple of years at the tyler event, we had a lot of folks use that parking lot and this might turn a number of people off the event. Just my politely written thoughts, 'cause you can imagine the plethora of explitives I was forced to withhold.
  6. Well I guess the moniker under your Avatar isn't worth a pinch of possum poop, an "Imperial Angler" and can't google whitefish... Whitefish, looks like a silvery carp with a sort of sucker mouth, hoever the meat is more white, great deep fried or smoked.
  7. No neighbours are perfect, but if you don't complain to the proper authority, you become part of the problem. The next time the dog may bite your wife..it will be.. coulda, shoulda, but I didn't. If you slip is a strategically placed loaf and break a leg...nuff said.
  8. Well how nice of you Chuck, but ya have to post your phone # if we're coming to stay I'm sure Shelley will be just thrilled, or does she know about this part yet...
  9. I'll go with the 20th although I should be able change if need be.
  10. Not 100% sure, but I don't think you can register the older 3 wheelers anyore, they were sort of outlawed due to the safety problem of too many people doing wheelies and having the machine land on them. I don't think too many Insurance companies will touch them either. Riding on your own property, no problem, anywhere else, don't think so. As for being asked for reg and ins, yes the ministry does ask, checking for stolen ATVs/Snowmobiles. It may be a whole lot cheaper to go with an older snowmobile, they can be had for $1K or less.
  11. Hmmm, if you tried to crank and all you got was a click, the kissing of pistons and valves may have already happened, I definitely would not try and crank it over. Big Owy. Normally those belts go for around a 100K.
  12. Ya, it's always on the move although adding or subtracting the annual declination to adjust for topo maps isn't all that much unless you plan on trekking for tens of kms and have to get to a very specific point. As long as you are using it as a safety item to get off the lake in a snowstorm or "out of the woods" to a general area, we're still pretty safe.
  13. Like Wayne said with the extra width, careful with the extra weight up top, tends to make them lean a bit.
  14. Wow this sure took off like a cat with a turpentined ringpiece. I'll have to adjust the work schedule by the looks of things. Saturday or Sunday and which weekend.
  15. Merry Christmas and the best of health to all, and here's hoping the travllers don't get smacked too hard by the lousy weather showing on the radar map.
  16. Have you two ever had Pulla with vanilla sauce, my mom used to make a yeast cake something like that, but with vanila sauce made from real vanilla beans.
  17. Peter Heering...I haven't heard that for a looong time, have to look and see if they have it here.
  18. Ya usually anywhere after the 3rd week of Jan, the lake is pretty much frozen all over "safely", I guess the majority would have to pick a spot for the fishing and all important parking area. Raptorfan..for you our fine OFC friend, you still have to pay welcoming fees ...your job will be to drill all the holes with a dull drill instead. A venue like that, you get to meet a lot of good people, no point in being a stranger. Hopefully it works out.
  19. As long as you're not travelling in your canoe full of beer, you should be okay..
  20. they are too, but got to remember, while fishing from the dock, you're not "ice fishing", you're a land lubber and can only use one rod.
  21. Well that's beyond, "it sucks" they take our money with no customer service. I would sent Clam Corp an e-mail or letter outlining the power of the internet when it comes to customer service. I'm sure we're not their biggest consumer simply by population numbers, however when this hits every fishing board north of the border, they'll either be rethinking their position or loose a lot of Cdn customers. Let us know how you make out.
  22. Looks like Nippissing is just about totally frozen over, that'll make the hut ops and anglers happy for a Jan 1st start to the season. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/mod...on.143.250m.jpg
  23. For you and only you, I hope every rivet under the waterline is loose
  24. Next time we have soft water, take your boat and F/F to a spot with about 30-40 feet of water on a calm day. Your transducer angle may not be in exactly the sweet spot. It may look good on land, level side to side and front to rear, however, when the boats in the water, the way the boat sits in the water can completely change that. I know I have to have my transducer tilted nose down a bit if I want to see my cannonball at 75', doing that, the fish don't show as a full arch, only partial, if I tilt it slightly nose up, I loose the cannonball, but see the fish better.
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