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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I'd go with the smallest wood stove, Princes Auto has 2 kinds. Wood heat is dryer, propane gives off a lot of moisture and can give nasty headaches. Interior can be lined with sheets of luan or poplar underlay, only 1/8th thick.
  2. You guys need to get a couple of those big rubber fish and hold them up from far away, leave all the others guessing.
  3. Okay, now what's for supper..for me perogies and sausages.
  4. G Day Lew, some of the propane stoves have them for sure, the oven on my travel trailer has it. Right down inside the brass shaft, you may have to use a flat tip screwdriver, one something like a jewelers set or for eye glasses. Maybe yours doesn't. Have you checked google for your make/model for flame adjustment? I found one for you here: http://research.rolfes.org/home/adjusting-the-simmer-flame-on-a-gas-stove/
  5. Must be a female goldfish, no farting alowed.
  6. On the side, I was perusing through Consumer Research the other day, they had a very good article in there about how many fish are sold as say Cod and it's not even remotely close. They mentioned quite a number of other species too.
  7. New this year Propane powered models!! No smoke can be operated indoors! Call 705 717 xxxx for more info. I would think indoors usually refers to "inside the house", anybody have a frozen lake in the basement.. Found some info on the propane ones, other than having a recall to fix the propane line on some models, they seem to work well even in the extreme cold.
  8. Looks like buddy in the second picture ate a bowl of grumpy
  9. Well it appears you have already been assimilated, I guess I'll have to send Jerrie (7 of 9) over to straigten out your sorry "donkey", I grew up in this country and I'm tired of having someone ram their down my throat.
  10. Nothing at all, neither does Christmas, Valentines, and all the other events that are celebrated by the western world. The way I look at it, Hallowe'en, it's a kiddie event, what's the harm done by allowing the children to have a bit of fun.
  11. More like no one with any jewels in the jewlery bag. It's unfortunate the direction this country is taking.
  12. Just heard another unbelievable one on the radio, some of Simcoe County schools won't be allowing the little ones to bring their costumes to school for fear of offending some of the non conforming Canadians. Don't like it here, I'll show you the road to the Departures door at Malton.
  13. Ring of fire, I thought this was going to be about eating too much pizza laced with Franks Hot sauce. But yes, far too much is ruined for the almighty dollar, never to be returned to its pristine condition.
  14. Speed doesn't kill, it's the incredibly fast stop that does all the damage.
  15. It was on the A channel news last night, some of those black and white ducks are on their migration south, that's why you don't see them here on a regular basis. There are cormorants, loons, seagulls and others floating and dead on shore. Too bad it wasn't just cormorants.
  16. Sorry for the loss of your father, hopefully good memories will help you through the bad times.
  17. Sulphur smell is the common sign that a battery has been "boiled" or over charged. I would think whatever you are using for a charger may be the culprit or one of the batteries has an internal short causing a problem. Take them out of the boat compartment and test each individually. Remember battery safety, wear goggles when dealing with suspect batteries.
  18. Ya, I doubt there'll be many more nice days like today, they're talking some grumpy weather coming by the weekend.
  19. Ya, that's the part I can't find anymore either. Anyway it's not for me, I don't fish for them, just a fellow on another ice fishing board asking to make sure.
  20. Okay, for those pike anglers in the know. Someone asked if a quick strike rig with 2 treble hooks is legal in Ontario. The rig he showed looks similar to a worm harness used for walleye, but 2 leaders from a snap swivel with a spinner ending with a treble on each leg. I was under the belief that trebles on an artificial lure count as a single hook but when you add bait such as a dead sucker, then they count as 3 points each. I looked in the book but I'm stumped.
  21. Good spot, straight out from the foot bridge, 24-28 feet deep.
  22. Haha, no, not you, I was gone by about 11. One of these fine days I'm going to hoist the OFC flag I bought a number of years ago, as long as no one promises to throw eggs.
  23. There were about a dozen boats around me, most were doing reasonably well from what I could see. Couple of youngsters on one boat were having a great time going by the hooting and hollering.
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