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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. My insurance company gives me a discount, I had to give them the brand name and model of the tire.
  2. Yes if it's a fixed mount it's easier, however, don't despair. I think its on page 29 of the manual it shows the "extra" connector, it goes between the 8AA battery pack connector and the plug that goes into the back of the Unit. It's the little receptacle end you might have a bit of a problem finding, usually called a chassis mount connector. Anyway, you can splice 2 more wires into that present short wire connector to get you to your 12V Gell battery, add a 3A fuse and you're good to go. Another method I did for a friend of mine who had a similar one, we carefully soldered 2 wires in parallel to the ones that come out of the 8AA pack to hook up to the 12V battery. You handy with the soldering iron?
  3. It ended up being the wrong picture, the wrong model and the wrong price. I'm not saying bait and switch, but ya never know.
  4. Hahaha, I think that last one is a couple degrees below absolute, so they aren't ever going to win again.
  5. Is dat yer minkey? You need a leecense for dat minkey..PP
  6. Lets look at it in a slightly different manner. If there were no one driving on the road and it was a complete skating rink, would there be any collisions? No, so why blame the icy conditions, blame the idiot drivers that can't seem to understand that slowing down a modest 10k would make more sense. Oh and I'm not ragging on you kickingfrog.
  7. Big time, I think it should become mandated. All season tires are for places where the likely hood of winter conditions are rare.
  8. Hahahaha, that's the way, they'll all be in the ditch and you'll have an empty road to drive on.
  9. Now that would be the last thing I'd do, heads up and you get a snotbox full of snow and ice pellets. But like a few of the others said, I think everyone north of #7 is getting tired of the weather nets yodeling and yammering of what's coming. It's Canada and borderline winter so get with the program, get winter tires and learn how to drive. If ya can't do that, then either stay home, get into the ditch right away or take transit.
  10. Have you ever really sat down and figured out how much it costs per pound of fish after you buy all the trinkets. I think it goes the other way, the more toys and trinkets you buy, the payoff becomes the little light at the end of the ever lengthening tunnel..
  11. Well I won't be to grumpy tonight, found an extra bag of potato chips I used an ancient Lowrance X40 for many many years, it would easily pick anything up at that depth. I use an X67C in either the graph mode or flasher mode, doesn't matter, you twitch the rod, it show right now. I only paid $265 for mine and I've seen them cheaper.
  12. Joey, try this place and you have a PM. http://www.riversideoutdoors.ca/catalog/
  13. Got the Christmas flyer from Tromblys in Orillia yesterday, a quick check and I was just about to sprint up there and get me a new Aqua Vu Micro camera with the DVR. It's on page 13 listed at $299, would be a super price. Instead of leaving rubber launch strips through Angus, I made the phone call, like usual, if it looks to good to be true, it is a misprint. Ah well saved the time and gas and maybe someone else that was looking to get one cheap.
  14. I don't think you need anywhere near 2400W output. I use an X67C and it has 800W and I have no trouble picking up my 1/4 oz jig in 90+ feet of water. I paid just over $200 for mine. Matter of fact it does quite well in way over 100 feet for salmon.
  15. I'm pretty sure it was at the CNE boatshow way back in the late 80's, and cost around $300K back then. Best I recollect it was a front wheel drive system same as what they use in the wheel trans buses with tag axles.
  16. I don't think 60 is cold enough, mine go out in a big old Mcdonalds drink cooler at about 40 degrees in the garage. Even then, every other day I switch about 1/2 the water and add new from the sandpoint.
  17. Nice, just as I figured a yard of 550 cord would do, you have to go and post something shiny. I'll have to try that, never know when that salmon is going to give an extra tug. Saw it once at the Kemble tower in Owen Sound, Pffft, there goes buddies rod out of the holder, never heard so many uncatholic words in my virgin ears.
  18. Ya, that is big without a doubt, nice catch.
  19. Well then I guess you can say that religion is the cause of "boring", cause we're all supposed to believe and be the same.
  20. Nice catch, sometimes ya wonder how nature can make those nice colours.
  21. Okay, I achieved my point, if you don't agree with some form of religion then there's something wrong,(according to those that believe) it goes both ways. I suppose I could have used a different description. Last time I looked when a grave was dug up, it was pretty much rotten remains with nature having had lunch on the deceased. Where would that leave me? I don't believe in wasting space in cemetaries either, going through the burner and making some ash for the plants to grow.
  22. And better yet, my gods better than your god and if that don't work, my dad can beat up your dad. Religion, the most and best used method to use mans simple fears to keep him subservient, otherwise you might go to hell and burn forever. What a bunch of loosers. You die, you rot and return to the basic elements.
  23. Personally I'm not in favour of saving them either. Be it one year or a hundred years, they are not a native specie in that area. I think their choice of words "killing" them is a bit overborne. If I'm going to eat them, it will most likely be dead. I think it may be a group of pro bass fishers trying to keep something going that probably wasn't supposed to in the first place.
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