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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Nice trip, thanks for the report
  2. Another great report Mike. A fly in for Lakers would be grand with day trips for eyes for the table. Another trip to look into.
  3. That ponds private you can't fish there Chris

  4. There is some very nice bass in that report. Good job.
  5. Thats some perseverence Rich. I woulda been into the beer after just a couple of the problems and said screw the fishing.
  6. That is some fantastic family memories Ryan. I remember LPBAY being much more crowded than those pics for opener the only time I ever fished it on that day.
  7. Hate Hockey Period, Laffs and Senators. But a big fan of South Park,a reference you failed to get so I'll put it some place were the young kids will find it.
  8. This was a very comprensive report and I enjoyed it immensly. When I heard about the ORNG accident my first thought was they might have been former co-workers. Sorry for your loss.Like Irish said thanks for what you do on a day in day out basis and its great to see you still get to unwind even though theres no seals or polar bears around to make things interesting.
  9. New Dundee has Lyndon Trout farm at the corner of Huron Rd and Queen St. If you teach em to flyfish you'll save some money http://www.lyndonfishhatcheries.com/publicfishing/pricing.html
  10. God they are so cute at that age and then they grow up and make fun of you. Glad you got out with him and that's a fat smallie.
  11. Yup every time the rain let up the mozzy's came out
  12. I get way better control with my tiller motor.
  13. Gotta love those one last crack before we go fish. And that musky is a nice one.
  14. Thanks for the report and I really enjoyed the wildlife pics. Minks are so cute till you get one in your fishing net and they go ballistic and spray everywhere... Don't ask.
  15. What a great day of musky fishing.
  16. My son Griffin has been eagerly awaiting bass opener here in southern ontario. We have a great time most years with lots of willing fish and never really run into other anglers. The late spring and high water(plus thunderstorms off and on) really put the fish down. Water was a high and relatively dirty. He managed 5 "keepers" of 12" or better while I got only one. I probably won't hear the end of it all weekend. Heres his best fish a 19" A short video of landing it in the pouring rain A couple of fawns came down to check out his bass fishing prowess. All fish were caught on Watermelon Yamamoto flappin hogs that were split shot rigged.
  17. but holds musky stink till the next time you boat one

  18. I think, therefore I beer.
  19. You could put in at Bridge St in Kitchener and take out at the end of Forwell RD when you come to the water pump house. About a 4 hr trip but pretty close by cab to the put in
  20. Very nice. Lovely spotted fish.
  21. Nice fish Chris.
  22. Yep that looks like the Kowkash in full flood alright. Canoed it for 7 days at that color and it made the fishing suck.
  23. Nice report Chris. Good to see you get into some fish
  24. A Speck and University of Texas fan!
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