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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. The scary part Lew is the backround that are in the Nipissing are the places that you took me fishing. I am still winning the contest though lol. Art
  2. A tough discussion I am glad you took the path that made his life the best it could be. As time heals hopefully your heart will find another buddy in your life. Art
  3. Hopefully the people will show up to support the changes that are needed to revive the fishery Art
  4. I agree the fraction stuff is a pain in the butt. The good news is most of our engineers have gone metric in our mechanical things. Yea yea yea we do have weaker beer. Join me at lake air and I might treat you to some Canadian killer moonshine. lol Art
  5. Now is that english or a metric? Cause like it takes 2 metric beers to make up one English one Eh? Art
  6. I agree with you 100% Bruce I rebuild rods and reels with basic tackle boxes over the winter and in the spring I hand them out at the local parks. Good Karma has always occurred. Art
  7. Happy Birthday Norm best of the day to you my friend. Art
  8. ccleaner and malwarebytes Are
  9. Luremaker.com is my go too and I am ordering from the US. Art
  10. Very nice of you Bruce making sure the kids have a good start on a lifetime of fishing. Art
  11. Very cool our season in the US is open as well as an extended deer season. In certain areas such as Loudoun where I live we have a abundances of wildlife. Art
  12. you shot them with the wrong thing Joey!!! Art
  13. I tip a jig with a rubber tube and a meal worm and slow troll behind the boat. Once I get a bite I drop a marker and back off and cast back to the school. Art
  14. My mother paints as a hobby and the talent that is needed is amazing. The subtle concepts of hair, shadows and movement in nature takes a lifetime to master. The people who have mastered it turn a canvas from 2d to 3d have all of my admiration. Art
  15. Just get a moose hair brush touch it in the paint and dab away and your done lol. Art
  16. Wish we had the equipment we needed to make that statement false. The only good news is no matter how much we get it seems to be able to melt off within a week. Vary rarely do we have long spells of white stuff on the ground. Art.
  17. The loss of anyone is tragic for sure. Art
  18. I will keep you posted Lew but we are shooting for a trip up North in early August I think. Art
  19. aplumma

    Some Coyotes

    just sprinkle a handful of mice out there and they will be back.lol Very nice shots Joey. Art
  20. Once you are on the boat ask Lew about the contest him and Art have on catching a muskie.lol Art
  21. I lost a big beautiful Blue catfish to a nice stoogie. I still smoke em while I fish....just the cost of enjoying the day. Art
  22. That makes sense most of the time they are out in the evenings in the back bays. Lots of fun to watch them when they tie into a decent carp and get drug around for awhile. Art
  23. I am suprised that more people do not use paddleboards up North. I guess it has to do with you do get wet but down here lots of people strap a milk crate on the nose and fish the shallows. I would join them but I have a 10ft pelican that works for me and launches from the back of the pickup easily with one person. Art
  24. You have been redeemed.... nice lot of fish bud. Art
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