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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. due to the age of your motor I would disregard their recommendations. You can also call their tech support with the info that woodsman was nice enough to post. I also have heard that some places that sell the props have a free testing props program I am not sure if it is in Canada or not though. Art
  2. Give this site a check it should get you in the ballpark as far as reproping the boat. If you are not having any problems with the old prop as far as performance then stay with the same style and size. If you change the diameter or the pitch you will effect the speed or acceleration/load carrying ability of the boat. mercury prop selector Art
  3. Sorry to hear you are not at home recovering Jack. I will say a few prayers for you bud hope you get back home soon. If their is something you need that we can get you feel free to give a call. Roy has our numbers. Art
  4. happy birthday bernie best wishes to you buddy. Art
  5. my cell phone works when the powers out...... Art
  6. Happy birthday to you buddy I am glad to see you are around for a little while longer. Art
  7. The pump that I have used in the past is a pump made by the Wayne pump company. It is a 24 volt pump that runs as the primary pump. It runs on two 12 volt batteries that are hooked to the control box. It charges and runs the pumps and switches it over to 24 volts as needed. I have found that you need to check the batteries bi monthly or the charger will cook out the batteries. I sent the charger box back to the manufacture as defective when it cooked 2 batteries. The replacement box also started to cook the batteries. I decided to get a guest 2 bank charger and hooked it in and let it run off the batteries so far it has been 1 year without any cooking of the batteries. The advantages is it is a high volume pump and it is the only one in the pit. The head that it can overcome is much more than any of the 12 volt marine pumps that companies are selling. Here is a link to the company that I bought them from you can use the info to track someone down in Canada who can supply you with the unit. Art 24volt pump setup at pumpbiz.
  8. Here to a fast recovery bud sorry it had to be done. Art
  9. If you have a 2 bank charger and you have two batteries why not hook the charger to both batteries. Anytime a battery is not at full charge it is creating sulfites that are killing the batteries. The battery manufactures all recomend that you charge the batteries as soon as you get off the water and not to let them sit around. A battery that sits for even as little as a week has lost some of it charge or becomes unbalanced. Saving one incase the other charger burns out does not make sense because it is the same charger only a few circuits and the leads are different. I also run the guest chargers one is a two battery unit and the other is a 3 battery 12/24 volt set up both have been flawless in their operation. Art
  10. Glad to see they have found a route to go. Heres hoping for a speedy recovery bud. Art
  11. All of ther poor comedians out of work and GCD got to try to be funny. I am suprised his alabama ass knows what a cold weather sport like hockey is. It is a shame we lost though...... Art
  12. what you are looking for is called a jack plate but you will be messing up the thrust line by adapting a long shaft to a short shaft boat. Art
  13. I would go see the doctor and get a definite diagnosis to the problem you are having and then decide on some of the other treatments that the helpful people on OFC are offering. Something as simple as being dizzy/nauseas could be either the start of the flu or a early warning of a stroke depending on the circumstances. Art
  14. Well done tony I built my garage and instead of drywall I hung osb board (flakeboard)on the walls the price was only a little more but I can hang anything anywere I want and no holes punched in the drywall by accident. Tip : paint it all white inside it will make it alot brighter with the lights you hang. Art
  15. I personally am not offened PH I am glad to hear that you come to see the USA it is a country that is different from the place that you live. That can also be said to be the reason that we come up north to Canada to see a place that is beautiful in its own way. I have found however that the prices that the lodges charge are not on a sliding scale were the Americans pay more or less as long as the exchange rate is followed or you pay in Canadian money. I will keep coming up North to see my friends and fish for the species that are not found were I live. To buy a lodge is a very attractive dream that most everyone has entertained at one time or another. It is hard to judge what the outcome of purchasing one is going to be. Some times just the simple act of changing hands and just one person no longer being their is enough to change peoples mind as to whether or not they will have a return visit. Since the reason the lodge is being sold varies and the negatives of the lodge are always hidden as best they can it is important to talk to the local merchants and people on the lake as how they feel or react to having the lodge and how it is run. The answers you get should be taken as an average not as an example of what each person says because at some point we all can make some one mad at us and grudges to some people are a way of life. Thinking about and weighing in with what happens if this fails were will I be is pretty important so give that a test run on your model before you decide. Good luck RT
  16. glad to hear the good news and the slightly bad news. I had the ligaments in my labs back leg rebuilt and it was not a hard as the vet expected. Art
  17. merry birthday to you putz. Alls it means is you get 1/2 as many presents as the other kids. Art
  18. uhhhh thats a pretty small catfish bubba you got to get bigger bait if you want to get posted. Still a good day to be fishin though. Art
  19. Happy birthday Roger now go to work and play with all them toys we wish we had. Art
  20. I dont see why not Dawg send them to me and I will see if they want to use them. Art
  21. I am proud to say that A few good friends of mine that share the same passion for fishing have started a new website here in the States. It is a place that they have started and it deals with mostly cat fishing on the big rivers across the nation. In the process of designing the webpage they included a link to get to OFC to hopefully bring people from both sides of the border together and learn about the local variety of fishin that is available to all of us. If you are curious and want to see some big Cats here is the place to go. As the cat fishermen show up lets see if we can get them to come up north and catch a few fish with teeth. link to catfishnation Art
  22. I looked up Snowmobile in the southern dictionary and it said" a large machine that runs on snow that is useless below Michigan". Very nice toy though have fun this winter and be safe. Art
  23. Since I am mostly a river fisherman I have found that stocking is not near as important as if it were a lake. The migration of the fish and the amount of area to fish is one that seems to remain health as far as numbers and size go. When we have a bad year meaning flooding at spawning or drought we have a hole poked into the years recruitment class. The year before or the year after will fill this spot and few will notice the missing year. Were the issue becomes more apparent is when we lose the ability to support the fish that are already living due to either habituate loss or over fishing. The loss of habituate can be reversed in some cases by restoration of the breeding grounds and the hatchery nursery areas that have been lost. The addition of slot limits and creels limits are a good way to make sure that the area has a viable breeding stock that can help replenish the fish that are removed from the environment either by man or mother nature. Art
  24. Well Twilight the other dog just kind of in the picture is T bone he is my brothers deer hound.He is the trainer for the puppy along with uncle dude a labordoodle that joe also owns and the puppys roomate is jet my black laborador. Art
  25. After living in the remote wilderness of Alabama all his life, an old hillbilly (glen) decided it was time to visit the big city. In one of the stores he picks up a mirror and looks in it. Not ever having seen one before, he remarked at the image staring back at him, "How about that! Here's a picture of my daddy." He bought the mirror thinking it was a picture of his daddy, but on the way home he remembered his wife didn't like his father. So he hung it in the barn, and every morning before leaving for the fields, he would go there and look at it. His wife began to get suspicious of these many trips to the barn. One day after her husband left, she searched the barn and found the mirror. As she looked into the glass, she fumed, "So that's the ugly carp he's runnin' around with." Art
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