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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. If it fails and it is steel then you will have something to blame it on instead of knowing it was an act of god if it is stainless steel. Art
  2. I would apologize but you would see it for the lie that it is. Well O.K. anything to make the winter blues go away.... I'M sorry for insinuating that you are a bear and should be hibernating about now..... hh....hhaaha.......hahahahahah sorry could not keep a straight face boss. See you in the spring. "sometimes I amuse myself" Art
  3. Nice trip up North bud , you must be getting sleepy about now.....time for that long winter sleep? Furless in Virginia
  4. Were is the pole with 6 oz of lead and the 1/2 lb of shad on the bottom for them big blue cats. You might even have some of them flatheads down their too. Nice day of fishin Dawg are you warmin up for your trip up North ? Art
  5. I am glad to see he has better luck up North than he did down South. Nice fish sure wish I could catch one someday. Art
  6. Wait till he trims the hair IN your ears instead of the hair along the edges. The first time I almost came out of the chair with the buzzing so loud. Art
  7. Congradulations bud, now I know who to ask the question.....What is centerpin fishing and what equiptment is involved? I have a few guesses but I am unclear on the finer points. Thanks Art
  8. The only thing to consider is the 40F will have to be at the coldest spot of the house. Were the thermostate is placed it is designed to read the living space temperature. With the wind blowing the outside edges of the house will quickly go below freezing and damage the water lines and other freezable things. I am a plumber In Virginia were it is a good bit warmer thru the year and we have less of a cold spell than you all up North. I have made alot of money with people leaving the thermostate turned low or a power outage letting the house freeze up. With the thermostate turned lower the safety margin is alot less before the house freezes up. This all said I do not know enough of the winters up North to tell you a temperature that is safe I hope my input helps you find the right setting. OBTW stop rooting for winter it will get their soon enough.LOL Art
  9. Wow you must have a steady hand to put that decal on. Just think of all the time it would take if you did it with thread. Just think another 14 hours to go and then you can work on the handle. Art
  10. Now thats a reel bud, I can't wait to cast it at lak Air but I am afraid once I do I will be alittle poorer from the experiance. Art
  11. MEAT!!!!!! it's what's for dinner. Art
  12. "chuckle" yea me looking that good in life......got a smile and a laugh out out of me this time. This is just a prime example of how to present a good backdrop for a nice fish.... so far no one has seen the steeples in the back round were it was caught. Art
  13. Nice fish bud but does it count as a carp or not? Art
  14. No sorry a photo of my little blues would have looked funny around all of them monsters chrome hen. Dano I did not take a picture of the blue fish because it was small for the species and I was not thinking ahead that you all would want to see it. Here is a photo I got off the net of one.
  15. Way to go Joey few things feel as good as making a decision and sticking by it. I am proud to know that I helped you get to were you wanted to be. Art
  16. Here is a link for a small tach that Joe and I have used for many years. tini tach link The Trim gauge can be added to only a trim assy that is wired for it it can most often not be added after it is built. I have trim on my boats without the gauge and have found the tachometer works well for judging the correct position. I usually run on plane and trim up till the rpms jump up slightly then trim back a hair to find the best position. Art
  17. Here T.J. ......come on my furry little Puppy were are you at bud.... Art
  18. If you look you will see that everyone is wearing a reinforced glove. I use the steel fillet glove from Rapala. One of the fans wanted a picture of one of the fish in the holding tank and picked it up bare handed. It Was the same as putting your hand into a belt sander on the back of his hand. We got the pleasure of pouring a bottle of alcohol and scrubbing it out before we put neo sporin and a wrap on it. I am pretty sure he will not be doing it again.... Art
  19. Mike, Harry and I went on the river Saturday to watch the Cat fishing tournament that the Maryland Chapter was holding. With the wind at a steady 15 mph and gusting to 25 it was not the best day for some of the john boats that showed up. They all were game and one of the rules are you have to keep the fish alive to weigh them in. Well when I saw that the boats were showing up with horse troughs with 1000 gph pumps I knew it was going to be a good day. I decided to not enter the tournament because it was a 2 day event and I only had Saturday to play, however their were some of the nicest people their to help anyone who wanted to fish. I motored up river watching the different boats heaving 8 oz sinkers with 12 oz chunks of shad out in their favorite spots and watching them for any sign of movement. The contest was monitoring channel 68 and I had a few cell # to keep in touch with a few friends and after a little while we started getting reports of fish being caught any were from 20 lb to the big fish winner of 51.15 oz. We motored around talking to friends and watching the action and before long the bug bit us so we left the contestants and moved to an area that they were not using and began fishing ourselves. We managed a few cats below 20 lbs but the highlight was the catching of a saltwater fish in an area known for freshwater. Never before had we caught a Bluefish ( not blue cat fish) this far up the river we better get some rain soon or we will have saltwater up to Washington D.C. drinking water inlet soon. Around 4:00 we headed in for the weigh in and were amazed to see what the others had caught. I have a link for the photos and will let them speak for themselves. catfish pictures
  20. Hey Deano look at the back of the speedometer and see if it is a hollow tube or a few wires going in to it. if it has wires check the colors and see were they go inside of the engine cowl. If it is the hollow tubing then unplug it and blow smoke thru it and see were it comes out of the engine. Either way their is very little you can do to calibrate them most of the time it is due to the age of the rubber diaphrams or corrosion that takes them out of calibration. Art
  21. Well done Bud everyone should have a puppy around the house few things feel as good as the greeting you get after a bad day. Art
  22. You need something in the environment to deal with the nutrients in the water. A few live plants would go far in the search for clear water. They have two jobs one is to use the nutrients the other is to keep a dose of good bacteria growing. Art
  23. I think that Responsible is a good word to add. Thanks Art
  24. A little back round of myself might help. I have owned guns for 33 of my 45 years of life. I have had guns that are designed to shoot with pin point accuracy and others that are designed to make a big hole quickly. Some of my guns include light caliber, heavy caliber, black powder,handguns, shotguns and rifles. I own them because to be safe and humane it takes different guns to hunt different animals and conditions. To shoot a squirrel with a .22 is normal to shoot a squirrel with a .270 is insane. I don't pursue muskie with the same rod that I fish for bluegills with because it would damage the muskie and would be very difficult to do. Some of my guns are admittedly toys a Browning .270 with a trigger job and a 50 MM sniper scope is more than what is needed to hunt deer but around here I have places to shoot the rifle for the joy of accuracy at places that are easy to get to because their are enough people who enjoy this sport. Their is only one gun that I bought for protection and that is a 9MM Taurus the rest have their first job of hunting and some can double as home protection. Their is not many reasons that I can see were you need to carry a gun in public when you are not hunting but as government makes rulings it also affects us in the hunting arena too. If they make it illegal to carry a gun and ammo in the same vehicle it would make hunting outside of your property almost impossible. It is not a gun ban per say but its effects would be the same end result. When I was in the special forces their was alot of training that dealt with how to use your rifle correctly and how to care for it because at some point you might be asked to stand up for the beliefs that your country has deemed worth fighting for. I am not a gun nut who will fight till blood is drawn if someone does not see the importance of having a gun or decides that guns are not the answer. I am glad that they have a choice but the reason they have that choice is because I fought for their right to make that choice. For all of the people that have served in the Armed Forces whether it was peace time or war you took an oath to defend your country and rights by picking up a weapon and killing someone else if it is needed or to be killed by someone else. While not a pleasant thought it is the price we pay to be free with our voting and guns and the right to protest without getting overwhelmed by the government. Lastly thanks for the insite John you have not attacked gun ownership you have expressed the same wish that all of the gun owners have and that is where guns are not used in a bad manner. I hope some day we all get our wish and in a world without humans it might be possible. Art
  25. I take comfort in the fact that if someone violates my rights by entering my house that I have the ability to protect myself and even better my wife can protect herself from up to 9 intruders before reloading. I hope that the day never comes but just as we wear seat belts in a car we hope we never find out if they work. To outlaw guns or restrict ownership or the 101 other things that both the U.S. and Canada has tried has only netted guns owned by people who legally owned the guns in the first place. If you are a bad guy and you want to do harm to someone and magically all of the guns have disappeared then you will get the next most convenient for of force. So then crossbows and then bows till we are all using plastic knives to eat our dinner. Thankfully the plastic knife scenario will never happen and hopefully I will never draw my gun because someone has chosen to violate my right. I think that it is far more than just owning a gun or having a gun in the house it is "The right to bear arms" that we all should be passionate about just as much as the "The right to vote and the right to fight injustice and to protect the people and property we hold dear to us". Art
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