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Everything posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. What the heck?!?! I hope it doesent discourage his future endeavors
  2. I couldn't imagine accomplishing all that BY MYSELF!!!!! Absolutely Incredible! Nice work man!
  3. Rachael Couchie Chief Marianna Couchie Related ? I love copy/paste!
  4. damn this place!! I'm at work and want to try it out.....
  5. Great shots. Thanks for sharing! Your a brave man. Jack the ground hog got alittle too close to the "captain" in the one shot. Deny him a treat and you never know how he might retaliate..... Eeeeeeeeyyyoooooooww!!!!
  6. Great report! I have GOT to get that t-shirt featured in your second photo! I haven't rode my jetski since 2009 and that little 750 wares me out......... But an 1100 in a stand up?!?!?! THAT WOULD BE SICK!!! Props to your cronie for installing that. Quite the engineering feat!
  7. I throw the thought of switching from my iPhone 5s to the galaxy just for the simple fact it is fully submersible. The iPhone's are so delicate when it comes to water. You can get protective cases, but all the waterproof ones are so bulky. I've always been with iPhone and I can't imagine switching. I've heard many times that iPhone users who switch hate it and Galaxy users who switch hate it and they all want to go back to their tried and true........ There really is a lot to consider
  8. WAY TO GO JACK! That eye is a PIG!
  9. Do we work at the same place?!?! L O L!
  10. Hey alright! Glad you're on the upswing! The future is bright!
  11. Keep flirting. That's the best medicine! You've got it licked judging from the film. All of your OFC siblings are pulling for you. Keep up the good work!
  12. Good times! I'll never forget those times with the old man....... The kids won't either! Great report!
  13. Indeed, you'd have to work diligently to get the report that you produce, ah but that's my kind of work! On behalf of OFC, thank you for all your efforts! I live vicariously in that northern paradise because of your work. One very strong reason of many that keep me coming back, and make me feel fortunate to be a part of this incredible community! Thanks again!
  14. Mike, You have the life!! Thank you for the incredible read!
  15. Ha ha yup!
  16. What a shame....... Sorry you have to go through that crap!
  17. What if it's twins ........ Or even TRIPLETS!!!! You have 6. You can handle 6 more! Congrats to you and your team ... Er ah ..... Family!!!!
  19. Great read and equally wonderful pics! Above all, glad you got to make more memories with your family.
  20. DANG! The pace your moving at is absolutly incredible for one man! With my ADD, I'd still be working on the chillax shack........ LOOK A SQUIRREL!
  21. Took the words right out of my mouth! This is gonna be a fun one to watch. Good luck man!
  22. ooooops. Hit the post button too much........ Not a recommended method of boosting your post count!
  23. Welcome! Soon you will be like me. On 2 to 3 times a day. Can't get enough. I'm pretty confident you will enjoy it
  24. Great time! That's how you do a camp site! Nice work and thanks for sharing!
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