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Everything posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. X2 That's wonderful to see! Hope she is doing well.....
  2. I've been taking my boy to grandpa's island on memesagmessing in the loring area since he was 5. He is 13 now and still loves it like he did then. We would camp on the island with my brothers and spend all day fishing. The greatest times of my life. The reason I love visiting your wonderful country. Thanks for the memories!
  3. Being new is cool! Welcome!¡!¡
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! That's like Jack Russell sled dogs!
  5. HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious!
  6. X2!! What on earth would cause that?!?!
  7. What a great year! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Or try the Honda parts......... If its a clone of a Honda the parts may fit. Better than scrapping it. My bro-n-law had a 50cc 4wheeler that was a Honda clone and Honda parts worked on it. If not, I'm sure that it could slow your drift....... Good luck!
  9. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that's funny!!
  10. LUCKY DOG!! Great vids thanks!
  11. No fair!!!! Wish I was you! Congrats!!
  12. These are the best times in ones life. Absolutely wonderful story and fantastic steel to boot! Here's to many more!
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Shampoo with gulp.......... Now that's FUNNY!
  14. Thanks HH Do you know what the reg are off hand?
  15. Thanks for the reply head hunter. I believe that will be a tactic that my parents will try. They like to stick to the "same old thing" so I try to encourage them to go out a little further and try something new. We will see what they do. Ill try to post daily their successes. Thanks again!
  16. Greetings friends! I'm new to the OFC, but not new to fishing forums such as this. I'm a member of OGF ( Ohio game fishing ) in the US under the same tag name. I've spent some time in the parry sound district areas fishing for walleye and lake trout. My parents are headed up in a few weeks to visit Tom Rae lodge for the second time this year (wish I was retired!!). My mom will go up anytime, no matter the condition, dad, however, is complaining about the ,typical for this time of year, weed growth and water level. So my question is, are there in the South Bay Area good places for walleye this time of year where they don't have to contend with heavy weeds? And not have a long boat ride to get there? Thanks for you input!
  17. Nice fish and great pics
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