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Everything posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. Couldn't have said it better!!! I hope this jealous little girl is done with this board. WHY do these people insist on peeeeing on others success? Keep it coming MIKE! I can't wait for the winter steelhead reports....... I mean " what's my name muthamutha?!?!" (Said in Samuel L. Jacksons voice)
  2. Your a lucky man bunk! Great pics and story! Those Fish are just incredible!!
  3. ....... How do you afford to fuel that beast!
  4. Ah-HA!
  5. Hey...... Alright!
  6. Your a lucky man Rick! I'll back you up when someone stops to give you problems with the hand gun..... For the free beer! Keep these great posts coming!
  7. OMG..... I'm salivating!
  8. Now that's an idea........
  9. The pic with the wide eyes and giant hands is ONE FOR THE AGES!! Loved the report! Thanks for sharing!
  10. That is efing bull filtered try again please! That's why I say it ALL the time. I HATE PEOPLE! And here I thought cottage country was immune to low life's Guess I'm wrong. I hope you find your stuff and with the perpetrators on board. Just don't get yourself in too much trouble. I know how hard it would be to hold yourself back. But you gotta think about your family. Sorry and good luck man!
  11. Stop it!
  12. What an absolutely horrible job you have....... How on earth do you get out of bed every morning to "go to work?" Lol! As always, an incredible adventure! And spending it with the most important people in your life makes it second to none! Thank you for sharing the great story and excellent pics/video with us! Ps...... If you ever need a hand with your job, I'm quite qualified! Or maybe you need an apprentice ,.,.....?!?
  13. If your grandsons can't go, I'd like to fill out an application to be one of your grandsons!!! Old Iron has said it best. I hope I'm able to fish, let alone fish solo when I'm 81! You are an inspiration Joepa!
  14. Who heard a hydrolic pump buzzing in there head while watching that???
  15. The worst part about having a loyal companion like that, is losing them. All the best to you and your family through these hard times.
  16. Great news. A return to greatness! Glad to hear it!
  17. Memories to last a lifetime !!! Great fish as well !! Thanks for sharing!
  18. That's brilliant!!! Bet you'd make enough $$$ to pay for the project 10 fold! Aaaaand we'd all get to watch it come together...... BUILD ANOTHER!
  19. God be with the O'Shea family and may you rest in eternal peace Jennifer.
  20. God bless you and your family I'm sorry
  21. That's what it's all about!! Hope to take my punkin girl out tonight! (She is 2 1/2) Great report and way to go Tri-C!!!!
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